Hilma Panel Debate on Feminist Pedagogy at Soc&kom 25.4. 2024

Welcome to a panel debate on feminist teaching and knowing, where we also celebrate that Elina Oinas’ FA-projects EDIT and WIRE with partners from South Africa and Ethiopia is coming to an end; and that the HILMA-network in gender studies has existed for 20 wonderful years.

Our panel speakers are: Danai Mupotsa (Senior Lecturer in African Literature, University of the Witwatersrand), Liu Xin (senior lecturer at the Center for Gender Studies, Karlstad University), Salla Aldrin Salskov (Postdoctoral researcher in Minority Studies, Åbo Akademi). 


Snellmaninkatu, 12

In Festsalen, April 25th, 14-16

There will be drinks, snacks and mingle afterwards, everyone is welcome!

Link to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2173323236335425?active_tab=about

Preliminary program


Wednesday 24.5 2024 

14.00 Queer Bird Walk in Töölönlahti with Camille Auer.  


Thursday 25.4 2024 

10-11 Welcome: Elina Oinas and Danai Mupotsa 


WORKSHOP 1: 11-12
11-11.30 Kata Kyrölä, Beyond Inclusivity: Potentials of Queer and Feminist Indigenous Theories

11.30-12 Henrietta Gunkel, Queer Masculinities – Reflections and Speculations 

12-14 Lunch (Dong Bei Hu) 


WORKSHOP 2: 14-16: Panel discussion with HILMA
Liu Xin & Salla Aldrin-Salskov, Refuse the framing of relevance:  Anti-racist feminist work without justification 

Danai Mupotsa, Belated Grammars in African Feminist Praxis 


16-17 Drinks
18.30 Dinner (Kuurna) 



Friday 26.4 2024 

WORKSHOP 1: 10-12.00  

10-10.30 Ali Ali, Sentimentalizing Rationality – Rationalizing Sensations 

10.30 -11.00 Gorata Chengeta, The relevance of slow, sexual violence research  

11.00 – 11.30 Maryan Abdulkarim, House of Difference 

11.30- 12.00 Moshibudi Motimele, On being revised 


12-14 Lunch (Viola)

WORKSHOP 2, 14-16:  

14.00-14.30 Lotti Harju, Transgender, transnational: Ideas of academic relevance among Finnish and Indian scholars of transgender studies. 

14.30-15.00 Katriina Huttunen, Interpreting racializing and gendering practices in and around a research project on a vaccine 

15.00-15.30 Olivia Maury, Who’s got knowledge about the border regime? 

15.30-16.00 Elina Oinas, Orientations in Feminist Sociology over Local and Global, and Time and Space dimensions   


20.00 Dinner (Nolla) 


Will to relevance (Academy of Finland 2020-2024, The Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki) examines how hopes and desires for societal relevance of scientific knowledge are articulated by academics, university students, policy makers, and the media.  

The need for academics to be relevant is increasingly called for, but what different publics mean by relevance is empirically little studied. Affective (Ahmed 2004) expressions of hope and optimism (Freire 1998, Berlant 2011, Tiainen et al. 2019); and speculative fictioning (Haraway 2016, Gunkel 2019) are at the heart of this project. 

Here we focus on collaborations that relate to Africa, highlighting pronounced hopes for relevance (Kontinen & Oinas 2015). Challenges to decolonize knowledge production and address whiteness in academia (Mupotsa 2017, Ndlovu-Gatsheni 2018, Oinas 2018, Bhambra 2018) are themes little discussed in Finnish higher education internationalization policies. Politically a focus on Africa is timely: discourses on population numbers and the youth bulge (Oinas, Onodera, Suurpää 2018) and the learning crisis (Reinikka 2018) inform the current government of Finland’s, the EU’s and the UN’s policy focus on education in Africa.  

The project will focus on the fields of biomedicine and Gender Studies, two fields with highly different epistemic and ontological discussions and aspired societal roles. Epistemic questions in science are often regarded as internal debates of quality; here our questions are about future oriented affective and aspirational desires for how knowledge should matter in the world, using the tools of the feminist Science and Technologies Studies tradition. The context is contemporary academic cultures of Finland that are claimed to be rather newly introduced to neo-liberal management, where an assumed relevance appears as a key measurement of value