Discrimination, polarisation, youth and violent radicalisation

The CEREN project SYPONUR is looking into factors influencing Islamic radicalisation in Finland. This is something that has not been intensively studied before in Finland. The project’s interim report was published during an event on 15th December where Karin Creutz and Juha Saarinen presented their research findings within the project. SYPONUR is led by Marko Juntunen and the name comes from the Finnish words for discrimination, polarisation, youth and violent radicalisation. The seminar attracted over 50 participants.nyhet324_513pxThe event also included a panel discussion where Tuuli Hongisto, (reporter, Radio Helsinki), Pia Jardi (vice chairman, SINE), Ari Evwaraye (Ministry of the Interior) and Anna Sekular (researcher, CAGE) discussed about violent radicalisation as challenge to the Finnish internal security.paneeli See the whole discussion here (In Finnish).

Read the report here (In Finnish).

See newspaper articles about the project here, Helsingin Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet, Svenska YLE, YLE.