Conference: The Meaning of the Welfare State, Stockholm, 12 Dec 2013

A conference about a contested political key concept’s changing interpretations and connotations

The welfare state is a key concept of the modern world. It is widely applied to both past and present societies and policies and it has numerous, over-lapping and conflicting interpretations and connotations. Despite the widespread use of ‘the welfare state’ in popular, academic and political discourses, there are few studies of the changing ways in which it has been understood. The theme of the conference, with speakers from the UK, Hungary, Germany and the five Nordic countries, is the conceptual history of the welfare state and, more generally, the evolution of the language of social policy. This one-day conference is organised by NordWel, the Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges, in co-operation with the Department of History, Stockholm University.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Venue: Bergsmannen, Aula Magna, Stockholm University.

Participants have to register, deadline Friday December 6, contact

For more information contact