A unique contribution in neuroethics

The A-BRAIN project gathered in Lisbon in late September to participate in the International Conference on Neuroethics (ICONE5) and the ERA-NET midterm progress reporting event. At the ICONE conference, international names in neuro- and bioethics, such as Eric Racine and Kathinka Everes discussed current challenges in view of recent developments and discoveries in neuroscience. Continue reading “A unique contribution in neuroethics”

Toronto protocol meeting

This week Michael Egerer and Matilda Hellman visited CAMH and consulted with the staff of the Biobehavioral Alcohol Research Lab at CAMH for the research protocol design. The focus group interviews are being conducted at CAMH in early 2019.

New project on agency

CEACG-researcher Petteri Koivula is initiating his doctoral dissertation project on how agency is construed and reproduced through the epistemic project of brain-based addiction.
The project Brain-based addiction: Implications for views on agency (AGENCY) will ask how the epistemic project of brain-based addiction comes about and its implications for persons who suffer from the problems. The study inquires into how agency of people with addictions materializes in the implementation of the Brain Disease Model of Addiction (BDMA) in general epistemic and popular constructs; in policy and practice and in treatment settings. The project, which is part of the A-BRAIN consortium, has cooperation partners in Canada and in Germany.
Koivula, who has previously worked at the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), started as a research assistant at the CEACG in April. He recently finalized his master’s thesis from the University of Turku concerning psychedelic drug use experiences.
During the work with his dissertation Petteri will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki.

The projects first meeting

The A-BRAIN research consortium had its first work meeting in Toronto 26-28.3.2018. In the picture, from left Patricia Conrod, Sarah Forberger, Michael Egerer, Matilda Hellman, Jürgen Rehm. Jeffrey Wardell, Elroy Boers, Christian Hendershot.
Missing from picture: Anna Alanko, John Cunningham, Doris Ochterbeck, Petteri Koivula