Upcoming session: Alternatives to Private Landownership 1: Global South Perspectives

This post is to announce the special session “Alternatives to Private Landownership 1: Global South Perspectives” in the upcoming American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2019 in Washington D.C.


The mantra of privatization repeated for years and the unfortunately ineffectual criticism against land grabbing have left other than private land tenure forms in the shadow. This session discusses such other tenure types: for example, unregistered land, collectively owned land, communal land, state land and municipal land. The question asked is how these non-private forms of land tenure can resolve urban problems. Previous studies have focused on rural land, regarded informal land rights as causing urban problems, and ignored the rights that are specific to cities, for instance, development rights. We are interested in filling these research gaps and overcome false prejudices and assumptions. We call studies on non-private urban land tenure investigating, for example, the effects and functions of non-private urban land tenure; methods of studying non-private urban land; scholars and intellectual traditions neglected but who have developed theories, approaches and visions of non-private ownership; alternatives to the theories of the highest and best use of land. Examples of studies this session calls are the following: what are the benefits of informal land rights in kampongs in Southeast Asia; how Chinese villagers who own the land collectively make decisions on the use of their land; are community land trusts or community gardens a solution; have the state and municipalities began treating the land they own as a financial asset; why Nordic welfare states and cities prioritize efficiency to equity in their land policies? The studies can concern cities in the Global South as well as in the Global North.

Link: https://aag.secure-abstracts.com/AAG%20Annual%20Meeting%202019/sessions-gallery/23263

Alternatives to private landownership 1: Global South Perspectives

Day: 4/5/2019
Start / End Time: 3:05 PM / 4:45 PM
Room: Washington 4, Marriott, Exhibition Level
Organizers: Anne Haila
Chairs: Mika Hyotylainen


Haoxuan Sa, University of HelsinkiWhat made villagers in Xiaojia giving up farming and became developers
Yu Zhang, School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, De Tong, School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, Ian MacLachlan, School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking UniversityFrom Land Value Capture to Value Sharing: evidence from the new town construction in China
Franklin Obeng-Odoom, University of Helsinki, Further Thoughts on Valuing unregistered urban land in Indonesia
Tauran Tauran, University of HelsinkiKampung residents left without the registration of their land: Land registration in Surabaya

Mi Shih, Rutgers University

Mi Shih joined the faculty of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy in 2014 as an assistant professor. Prior to this appointment, she served as an assistant professor in the Human Geography and Planning Program at the University of Alberta, Canada. Between 2011 and 2013, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the China Research Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. She received her Ph.D. in Planning and Public Policy from Rutgers University in 2010. Her main research focus is on understanding the role of urban planning in shaping Chinese cities and the everyday lives of Chinese citizens in the post-reform era. Her research interest has expanded from an early focus on Shanghai to a broader perspective encompassing a number of cities in both China and Taiwan.
Link: https://bloustein.rutgers.edu/shih/


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