
Minna Lyons, PhD, Project Leader
Liverpool John Moores University

Minna is senior lecturer in psychology, with extensive experience of research using multiple social science methods. Previous work includes bystander intervention research and development in the context of sexual harassment in universities. Bystander work on-going in the UK, and Latin America (Ecuador, Guatemala, and Colombia).


Tuomas Zacheus, PhD
University of Helsinki

Tuomas is Adjunct Professor (Docent) at the University of Turku and Senior Researcher at the University of Helsinki. His research interests involve especially the integration process of immigrants, racism, discrimination, and educational trajectories. He has published numerous studies related on the subject.


Viivi Mäkinen, M. Soc. Sci
University of Helsinki

Viivi is currently a doctoral student in the Doctoral Program of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki and is finalizing her doctoral thesis on how to promote positive outgroup attitudes among adolescents through vicarious contact interventions.