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Welcome to the CEFTrain Project Training Materials Site

This project site aims to help you to


The tasks and students’ performances included in this training materials are meant to help teachers and teacher trainers have a better understanding of the CEF content and levels. Although the levels of both the tasks and the performances have been assigned on the basis of the agreement amongst the different project partners, it cannot be said that they have been empirically linked to the CEF. Detailed procedures on how to relate exams to the CEF levels can be found in the Manual available at:

Nota Bene

The use of the materials in training sessions for which payment is requested is subject to prior authorisation from the coordinating institution, which retains copyright of the activities and tasks. No part of these materials may be reproduced without permission.

Project Description

The CEFTrain project is a transnational initiative aiming to promote common European principles and standards in teacher education, as expressed in the Council of Europe’s document “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment” (CEF).

The CEFTrain Project (2003–2005) is supported by the European Commission Comenius Programme.

The design and content of the website have been informed by a survey carried out among teachers, teacher educators and student teachers in the participating countries.

Technical specifications: ceftraintechspecs0710