
You can read the oral history interviews of these scholars by clicking their names below.

Juha Janhunen

Kauko Laitinen

Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (1867-1951) was Finland’s most famous military leader, statesman and explorer. His expedition in Xinjiang has inspired the development early generation of sinologists in Finland. His work has also been translated and published in China and commented by Chinese scholars. More information about his expedition can be found on Mannerheim Museum’s website.

Books from right to left in the picture:

  • 马大正, 厉声, 许建英主编 (2007) 芬兰探险家马达汉新疆考察研究。边疆史地丛书 / 中国社会科学院中国边疆史地研究中心主编。黒龙江教育出版社。 (Finnish Explorer Mannerheim’s Xinjiang Expedition and Research)
  • 马达汉 (Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf Emil), 阿拉腾奥其尔 (2009) 马达汉中国西部考察调研报告合集。王家骥译。新疆人民出版社。(Collection of Mannerheim’s Expedition and Research in Western China)
  • Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf Emil (2009) 百年前走进中国西部的芬兰探险家自述: 马达汉新疆考察纪行。新疆人民出版社。(Personal Statements of Finnish Explorer Who Went to Western China Hundred Years Ago: Documentary of Mannerheim’s Xinjiang Expedition)