New Edited Volume out: Competing Values in Archaeological Heritage

Recently Springer published a new edited volume titled “Competing Values in Archaeological Heritage“. The book is co-edited by Suzie Thomas of the University of Helsinki, alongside Stuart Campbell and Liz White. It features a chapter from Riikka Alvik who works for Museovirasto (Finnish Heritage Agency) and is also a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki, about the underwater protection challenges around the Vrouw Maria ship. Other chapters span challenges found in other parts of Europe such as Spain, Norway and Slovakia. Suzie Thomas provides a concluding commentary chapter to the volume.

According to Springer about the book:

“Archaeological heritage legislation aims to ensure the best possible protection for the archaeological heritage, yet it remains the case that legislation can remain ineffective through other practical considerations. Some consideration may be legal or procedural, such as difficulties in enforcing legislation or in preventing crimes or damage or archaeological monuments. However other problems may be less obvious and harder to address, and require solutions which go much further than the simple application of the law. “

The book was published has 11 chapters, and is available as a hardback or as an e-book.

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