Bright, New Publications

Two new, intriguing books have just been published, with brilliant contributions of our team members:

Solidarity – theory and practice

Edited by Arto Laitinen and Anne Birgitta Pessi
Contributions by Hauke Brunkhorst; Simon Derpmann; He
ikki Hiilamo; Siegwart Lindenberg; Kristen Renwick Monroe; Bente B. Nicolaysen; Juho Saari; Mikko Salmela and Nicholas SmithsolidarityThis book brings together philosophers, social psychologists and social scientists to approach contemporary social reality from the viewpoint of solidarity. It examines the nature of different kinds of solidarity and assesses the normative and explanatory potential of the concept.

More info at Lexington books web page – here!


Positiivisen psykologian voima – (The Power of Positive Psychology)

Edited by Lotta Uusitalo-Malmivaara; Contributions by 24 researchers including Anne Birgitta Pessi, Jari Hakanen, Frank Martela, Markku Ojanen… among others…pospsy–coverThe first Finnish, interdisciplinary textbook on wellbeing and positive psychology.

“Positiivisen psykologian voima on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen monitieteellinen kokoomateos, joka pureutuu hyvinvointiin mindfulnessin, luonteenvahvuuksien, sisun, psykologian, pedagogiikan, onnellisuuksien, myötätunnon, työelämän ja terapian näkökulmista.”

More info at PS-kustannus web page – here!

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