My themes at INTECOL2013: data management, citizen science & urban ecology, habitat dynamics & succession, and more

Like several other members of the GCC Team at the University of Helsinki, I took part of the 11th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL) in London, 18-23 August in 2013. Amid an overwhelming set of talks, workshops and symposia, I spent a noticeable fraction of my time learning about a few particular themes. Continue reading

Reflection on INTECOL13 – Where are we heading?

The vibrant INTECOL13 conference has ended and it is time to reflect on the outstanding week of posters, plenary talks and presentations. Real difficult choices had to be made which talks to attend. Hundreds of great ideas from the conference will remain undocumented in this post. In this post, I will present only a tiny fraction of all the incredible ideas, discussions and future direction we as ecologist need to take. Continue reading

Deforestation in African rainforests

Time for an update on how the rainforests in Africa are doing? Have a look at the recent Phil Trans R Soc B theme issue on “Change in African rainforests: past, present and future” (link). Since some of us are working on analyzing deforestation rates and patterns we chose to read Mayaux et al.’s paper: “State and evolution of the African rainforests between 1990 and 2010” for our journal club discussion. Continue reading