
Caroline Bhattacharya (2022), “Restrictive Rules of Speechmaking as a Tool to Maintain Party Unity: The Case of Oppressed Political Conflict in German Parliament Debates on the Euro Crisis”, Party Politics, online first.

Caroline Bhattacharya, Gavin Hart, Sean Haughey, Stephen Holden Bates & Alexandra Meakin (2022), “Special Section Editorial: The Past, Present and Future of Parliamentary and Legislative Studies”, Parliamentary Affairs, online first.

Caroline Bhattacharya, Gavin Hart, Sean Haughey, Stephen Holden Bates & Alexandra Meakin (2022), “The State of the Sub-discipline: Mapping Parliamentary and Legislative Studies Using a Survey and Bibliometric Analysis of Three of Its Journals”, Parliamentary Affairs, online first.

Caroline Bhattacharya (2020), “Gatekeeping the Plenary Floor: Discourse Network Analysis as a Novel Approach to Party Control”, Politics and Governance, 8(2), pp. 229-242.

Caroline Bhattacharya & Achillefs Papageorgiou (2019), “Are Backbenchers Fighting Back? Intra-Party Contestation in German Parliament Debates on the Greek Crisis”, Parliamentary Affairs, 72(2), pp. 425–444.

Caroline Werner (2014), A Wide Window of Opportunity for Politicisation in Times of the European Debt Crisis: A Case Study of the German Bundestag’s Plenary, Master’s thesis, E-thesis, University of Helsinki.

Working papers

Caroline Bhattacharya, Gavin Hart, Sean Haughey, Stephen Holden Bates & Alexandra Meakin (2021), “Authorship & Topics in Three Parliamentary Studies Journals: A Bibliometric Analysis, 1996–2021“, PSA Parliaments Working Paper Series, 02-2021.

Caroline Bhattacharya, Gavin Hart, Sean Haughey, Stephen Holden Bates & Alexandra Meakin (2021), “Findings of the 2021 PSA Parliaments Survey of the Sub-Discipline”, PSA Parliaments Working Paper Series, 01-2021.

Caroline Bhattacharya & Achillefs Papageorgiou (2017), “Are Backbenchers Fighting Back? Intra-party Mobilisation in German Parliament Debates on the Greek Crisis”, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 25–30 April 2017, University of Nottingham, UK.

Caroline Werner (2015), “The Relevance of Left and Right in EU Affairs: A Case Study of German Parliament Debates on the Greek Crisis”, ‘Democracy: A Citizen Perspective’ International Conference, 27–28 May 2015, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland.

Blog posts

Caroline Bhattacharya, “The Party in Control of Plenary Debates? The Case of Bundestag Debates on the Euro Crisis”, 4 March 2020, PSA Parliaments Group Blog.

Caroline Bhattacharya, “Bachbench rebels are likely to give Merkel a headache over Europe”, 7 June 2018, LSE EUROPP blog.

Caroline Bhattacharya, “The role of language in shaping German economic philosophy”, 19 December 2016,

Caroline Bhattacharya, “The German Federal Constitutional Court – Defender of parliamentary democracy or an alternative ‘political’ arena?”, 8 July 2016,

Caroline Werner, “Merkel and Schäuble face an increasing number of party rebels”, 7 October 2015,

Caroline Werner, “A new era of German economic nationalism?”, 20 August 2015,