Forth. Byrd Clark/Dervin

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1. Introduction: Reflexivity in Applied Linguistics, Language and Intercultural Education Julie Byrd Clark and Fred Dervin 2. Relations of power in critical reflexive ethnography: Issues related to researching Official language instruction in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Sylvie Lamoureux 3. Multimodal democracy in action: Reflexivity and critical language education in Occupy L.A. Christian W. Chun 4. Questioning reflexivity in multilingual and intercultural research: What research participants don’t tell the researcher and vice versa Prue Holmes 5. Reflexivity and Self-Presentation in Intercultural Encounters: Making Sense of Self and Other in a European Student Association Alex Frame 6. Weaving a method: Mobility, the senses and multiple locations as foci of research on intercultural language learning Ulrike Najar 7. “Or, just it’s my fault right?” : Language socialization and reflexivity through L2 writing feedback Jérémie Séror 8. Creating a digital text with high school dropouts in Paris, France: Reflexivity through ethnographic participant observation Eric Chauvier 9. Everyday practices, everyday pedagogies: a dialogue on critical transformations in a multilingual HK school Miguel Pérez-Milans and Carlos Soto 10. The process of becoming reflexive and intercultural: Navigating study abroad and reentry experience Jane Jackson 11. Looking Back, Crossing Boundaries, and Moving Forward: Reflexivity in Motion in Language and Literacy Learning Mark Evan Nelson and David Malinowski, Discussant Claire Kramsch 12. Conclusion Fred Dervin and Julie Byrd Clark