Call for chapters (Deadline for abstracts: 15 October 2013)

Intercultural Masquerade: New Orientalism, New Occidentalism, Old Exoticism


Regis Machart, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Minghui Gao, University of Turku, Finland

Fred Dervin, University of Helsinki, Finland

The encounter between ‘the East’ and ‘the West’ and the resulting exchanges have become a source of inspiration in many domains: architecture (the Royal Pavilion in Brighton), design (from Chinese exported porcelain to rococo Chinoiserie), literature (Montesquieu’s Persian Letters), international relations and business (Marco Polo, the Great Navigators…), as well as politics (Meiji period in Japan), aesthetics (the influence of the Renaissance in Asia), modern education systems, and sciences (massive application of modern technologies), etc. The exchanges have left deep footprints on the development of human societies while making impressions on each other – which brings “Orientalism” and “Occidentalism” into the picture. (…) READ HERE