Free training session in Helsinki (15.4)

Training session


Trainers: Fred Dervin & Laura Keihäs

Date and time: April 15 2014, 13-16

Place: Department of teacher education, University of Helsinki, Finland (address: SILTAVUORENPENGER 5A, ROOM: MINERVA K113)

Session description: the concept of intercultural competence is a very polysemic, but also empty term that needs to be reviewed over and over. Hundreds of definitions are available on the market; yet just a handful problematic models are recycled in most countries (Benett, Byram, Deardorff, etc.). Many of these ‘easy’ models often make more harm than good, and indirectly fight against what they should strive for. This session introduces the participants to new international perspectives and ‘new’ intercultural competences that move beyond these models. The participants will learn why the ‘usual suspects’ are problematic and will be offered alternative visions of interculturality and multicultural education. The session is both conceptual and practical.

Do you feel unsatisfied with the current discussions around intercultural competences? Do you want something new? Join our session!


–        Deconstruct the notion of interculturality and related concepts

–        Develop a critical understanding of the idea of intercultural competences

–        Consider more political and ethical perspectives

–        Fight against myths surrounding intercultural competences

–        Get insights as to how to apply them concretely in your job

–        Reflect on the assessment and evaluation of intercultural competences

–        Go back to your work place with a more realistic view on intercultural competences

–        Launch new discussions in your institution on intercultural competences

No previous knowledge is required.

Target audience: anyone interested in intercultural matters in education and beyond (international officers, university lecturers, teacher trainers, multicultural teachers, civil servants, etc.).

Suggested reading before the session:

Fred Dervin & Laura Keihäs. 2013. Johdanto uuteen kulttuurienväliseen viestintään ja kasvatukseen. Jyväskylä: Fera.

Fred Dervin & Tony Liddicoat. 2013. Linguistics for Intercultural Education. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (Introduction).

Fred Dervin. 2012. Impostures interculturelles. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Registration: send an e-mail to by 7.4.2014

NB: the training session is free but coffee  at one’s expenses