Very strange message…

Dear Colleague

I am contacting you on behalf of University of Helsinki Human Resources. According to our personnel database you are a French citizen working in our university.

While the terror attacks in Paris have shocked our whole community, we especially want to offer the option of debriefing to our French staff. University’s occupational health care provider Mehiläinen’s professionals are on stand-by to give you support now and also later: to make an appointment please contact XXXXXX or call XXXXX.

If there are any other related issues you need to arrange with the University at this point, please do no hesitate to contact me directly (XXXXXX). You can also reach our occupational wellbeing personnel by emailing to XXXXXX.



Why is it strange?

Although I appreciate the effort and I am horrified by the events, I don’t really understand the logics of this strange initiative. Do they do that every time there is a bomb attack or a catastrophe in the world – outside Europe? I am against the overpsychologization of the university…

– I have lived in Finland for 21 years.

– My parents are Franco-British and Germano-Polish. Will they contact me every time something happens in these different countries?

– In a global world like ours, contacting people based on their nationality is the wrong move. A passport does not equal engagement with a country…

– Many people from other countries died in the attacks… Will they be contacting representatives of these people too?
