Highly recommended

Ashley Simpson Education Consultancy is a registered company in the Republic of Finland, registered company number (Y-Tunnus: 2715940-9).
Ashley Simpson Education Consultancy (ASEC) specialises in delivering services to clients within the education sector. Potential clients may include; individual education providers (schools), local government administration (municipal level), ministry of education/department of education and other organizations within the education sector (this might include; charities, NGO’s or individuals).

Ashley Simpson Education Consultancy specialises in delivering high quality services to clients. Potential areas of cooperation can be found under the section ‘areas of expertise’.

Areas of expertise :-
*Curriculum design and implementation
ASEC sepcialises in critical pedagogical approaches in schools and is against standardised educational processes.
* Qualitative research reporting
ASEC is trained in qualitative research approaches and methodologies.
* School development and training
ASEC is interested in exploring democratic schools, transformative pedagogies, and, anti-pedagogies in relation to educational processes.
* Teacher support resources and training
ASEC holds the view that teachers are radical agents of social change. ASEC provides teachers with support and training in order to achieve this radical potential.
* Stakeholder support and guidance
ASEC provides training and support to school stakeholders in transitions towards democratic learning. Wider stakeholders may include; parents, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, students, community members and community groups.
* Education policy analysis
ASEC has experience in working with policy-makers. ASEC takes a critical stance of education policies that incorporate; the marketisation of education, the privatisation of education, competition within education, and, standardised testing within schools.
* Education research
ASEC owner Ashley Simpson is a current doctoral (PhD) candidate at University of Helsinki.
* Enunciative pragmatics/discourse analysis
ASEC takes the stance that language is a performative function. ASEC is interested in exploring linguistic approaches in education that explore deeper logics, meanings and understandings of educational processes.

For more information please see more at Ashsimpson.org.