Well done Lindstedt!

The winner of this year’s Finlandia Prize for Literature, Laura Lindstedt, used her acceptance speech to sharply criticise the government over planned cuts to education and moves to expand investors’ anonymity. (…)

“Deceit, illusion, consumption and strangulation”

Lindstedt took the unusual step of using her acceptance speech to lash out at Prime Minister Juha Sipilä’s centre-right government, which is pushing for deep cuts in higher-education funding.

“Finland is very consciously being turned into a class society,” she charged. “My great-grandfather was a peasant. My great-grandmother was an itinerant nurse. My grandmother was a switchboard operator. My own mother was already [able to be] a teacher. Our family believed, and still believes, in education,” said Lindstedt.

“Need I say aloud what our leading politicians have shoved in to replace the ideals of education, erudition, science and truth? Instead we find deceit, illusion, consumption and strangulation – all of these short-term pseudo-solutions, whose impact will be suffered by future generations, unless these decision-makers soon awaken from their innovation dream.”

She also had harsh words for corporations and wealthy Finns – including government ministers – who use overseas tax havens, and for the cabinet’s plan to roll back investors’ transparency”.