Teaching the ‘intercultural’ to International and Exchange Students in Finnish Higher Education (15.3.2013)

A one-day Conference organized by the EU-funded IEREST project (Intercultural Education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers), the Department of Teacher Education (University of Helsinki, Finland) and the Education for Diversities Research Group (E4D)

  10.00-17.00, SILTAVUORENPENGER 10, Auditorium 2, http://goo.gl/maps/YFAZV


This one-day conference aims to discuss the following questions (amongst others):

–       What does ‘intercultural’ mean when it is taught to international and exchange students? Is it different from the ‘intercultural’ taught to local students?

–       Who teaches the ‘intercultural’ to international and exchange students in Finland? What do they teach? Who decides what to teach? How do / can we assess learning of the ‘intercultural’?

–       What do students learn? How do we know they are learning? What is successful and unsuccessful teaching-learning of the ‘intercultural’?

–       What are the needs of people involved with the teaching of the ‘intercultural’ in this context?


Guest speakers:

– Bryony Hoskins, University of Southhampton, UK

– Claudia Borghetti, University of Bologna, Italy

– Fred Dervin, University of Helsinki

– Sarri Vuorisalo-Tiitinen, University of Helsinki

– Heidi Layne, University of Helsinki



– Maarit Haukka, International services, University of Helsinki

– Tiina Piipponen, Coordinator in International affairs, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

– Sören Rasmussen, City of Helsinki

– Kirby Vincent, Language Center, University of Helsinki

– Kielo Brewis EMS/Migri

– Antti Reinsalo, Vice President, Erasmus Student Network Finland



By 1.3.2013 at https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/40035/lomake.html

Please note that there is no conference fee. Coffee and lunch will be at own expense.


Organisers: Fred Dervin, Heidi Layne & Anna-Leena Riitaoja


More information about the project: http://ierest-project.eu

Project director in Finland: Prof. Fred Dervin, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. Contact: fred.dervin[at]helsinki.fi.