What Can We Learn from the Finnish Miracle of Education?——Teaching Chinese in Finland

What Can We Learn from the Finnish Miracle of Education?——Teaching Chinese in Finland is the new course for the Chinese language teachers in Finland to be conducted in 2013. The course introduces innovative and practical ideas to teach Chinese in Finland. The Finnish education is now known worldwide for its excellent results in most international rankings, especially in PISA studies.

The course on teaching Chinese in Finland is designed by Professor Fred Dervin from the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, the Department of Teacher Education at University of Helsinki. The first session was held on Friday, March 22, 2013 at the Confucius Institute at the University of Helsinki. 27 teachers from all over the Finland participated and one teacher followed the course on-line. Professor Dervin, who is an expert of multicultural education, inspired learners by presenting and demonstrating how to make Chinese lessons interactive, stimulating and effective. He gave a short historical overview of language education and introduced the latest concept of the task-based language education. Professor Dervin also clarified the work of the Council of Europe and language education and how to integrate the Common European Framework in our work. He stressed innovation and motivation in Chinese language education and asked” Can we do it”? No doubt, we can. The ideas and insights were changed in lively atmosphere during the day and everyone felt highly inspired.

Next training sessions will be held during the spring and autumn. The University of Helsinki will grant 6 ECTS credits and the certificate for participants who complete a reflective learning diary throughout the course, a project document, and full attendance face-to-face or online.

Anja Lahtinen, Director of the Confucius Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland