Course on “Multilingual and multicultural education in global times” by Julie Byrd Clark

Dr. Julie Byrd Clark (Western University, Canada), Docent in multicultural education, will give a course on  “Multilingual and multicultural education in global times” at the Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki on the following dates:

April 23-30, 2013

23.4 10.15-12.45 SP10 225

24.4 10.15-12.45 Minerva K218

25.4 10.15-13.15 SP10 115

26.4 10.15-14.15 SP10 225

29.4 10.15-14.00 SP10 225

Course Description:

This course will provide a lively forum for the exploration of the social, political and pedagogical issues pertaining to multilingualism and diversity in today’s globalized world. Students will have an opportunity to explore issues specific to their own professional context as well as more general issues and debates current in the field. Particular emphasis will be given to what multilingualism and multiculturalism have come to signify in recent years, and how these different representations serve to reproduce and at the same time, challenge our understandings of language and culture. The course is intended for Master’s and PhD students.

Number of credits: 3 ECTS

No pre-registration required

Course Materials:

Byrd Clark, J. (2009). Multilingualism, citizenship, and identity: Voices of youth and symbolic investments in an urban, globalized world. (Chapters 4 & 5). London: Continuum.


A selection of course readings will be available.

Information about the course: