Talk by Lesley Harbon in Helsinki

Associate Professor Lesley Harbon from the University of Sydney (Australia) will give a talk about Language Teacher Education in Australia on Monday 2.9.2013 at the University of Helsinki.

Place: Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Siltavuorenpenger 5 A, Helsinki
Room: Minerva K115
This presentation will deconstruct the key characteristics of the preservice and in-service education and professional learning of language teachers in Australia. Teachers are trained in different teacher education degree programs in Australia’s states and territories, and the different institutions must now attend to the National Teaching Standards. The Australian Curriculum Languages will bring new concepts to language teachers who are now working with an intercultural orientation towards the teaching and learning of languages. Impact has also been felt by the two most recent Australian governments and their priority for the training of teachers of Asian languages.
Associate Professor Lesley Harbon works in language teacher education in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney , Australia. She teaches in six undergraduate units of study which prepare language teachers for future registration and (hopefully!) employment in secondary school languages programs. She has also taught various units of study in the postgraduate Masters degree program, both in Sydney and in Shanghai, China. Lesley is Associate Dean International and has recently accompanied a group of pre-service teachers on a Food Security interdisciplinary project to Timor Leste. Lesley is a near native speaker of Indonesian and also speaks some German and Tetum.


Organised by the E4D research group (Education for Diversities) at the Department of Teacher Education