IJE4D becomes…

It is my pleasure to announce that the International Journal of Education for Diversities (IJE4D), which has been published by the Department of Teacher Education of the University of Helsinki, will now be published by IGI Global (headquartered in the USA) under the name the International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education. Although the name will change, the philosophy and perspective will remain the same.

The journal will now be published on paper and online twice a year and still be fully blind peer reviewed.

The original editorial team (Dervin, editor-in-chief; Byrd Clark and Machart, associate editors) will continue to work with IGI to assure the quality and relevance of the journal’s content. This exciting development underlines the quality of the journal and the high level of interest in our approach to diversities in education. IGI’s international profile will allow us to disseminate the journal more widely and to make sure that we get support in managing the work on the journal. This change will also increase the journal’s impact factor.

Although IJE4D will be discontinued, the three published volumes will remain on the website.

About IGI Global

Founded in 1988, IGI Global, headquartered in Hershey, Pennsylvania (USA), is a leading international academic publisher of more than 2,700 reference books, 160 journals, encyclopedias, teaching cases, proceedings, and databases focusing on the areas of: education, social science, library science, healthcare, business, environmental science, public administration, computer science, and engineering.

IGI Global book and journal publications are highly cited in a number of prestigious indices. IGI Global book titles are indexed in: Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index, the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, ERIC – Education Resources Information Center, and ACM Digital Library, and are also visible in the CrossReflinking network. IGI Global’s journal titles are found in more than 75 different prestigious indices, with some of the more prominent being: Thomson Reuters, Scopus, Compendex, PsycINFO, INSPEC, and Cabell’s Directories.



Advance notice: New Book Series

Name of series: Encounters between East and West: Intercultural perspectives (開)

Series co-editors: Fred Dervin Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, &  Regis Machart, Department of Modern Languages, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Series to be published jointly by

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The quality of the work published in this series is double blind reviewed by external referees appointed by the editorship.

For more information, please contact Fred Dervin and Regis Machart