Higher education in turmoil – how should we prepare for internationalization in the future?

One-day conference organized by Turku University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with the Education for Diversities Research Group (Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki) and the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication (UPM – Universiti Putra Malaysia). 


Higher education in turmoil – how should we prepare for internationalization in the future?

When? Wednesday, June 4th, 2014, 10.00-16.30

Where? Turku University of Applied Sciences, ICT City, Auditorium Lamda, Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520 Turku

Conference Description:

Internationalization of higher education is set as a strategic goal of many national economies worldwide. Higher education institutions strive to increase level of internationalization-related capabilities, develop internationally recognized brands, improve image, reputation and international rankings and attract students from all over the world. But what does internationalization of education actually mean? Which strategies and practices are applied, which work, which don’t? How do higher education institutions perceive and prepare for the mobility which comes along with internationalization?

This conference brings together international experts from the fields of academia, administration and business to discuss three key issues in educational internationalization policies: 1) Academic Mobility and Interculturality, 2) The internationalization of Higher Education and 3) Commercialization of academia.

The event is organized by Turku University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with the Education for DiversitiesResearch Group (Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki) and the  Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication (UPM – Universiti Putra Malaysia). The event is open to everyone who is interested in gaining a new perspective towardsthe internationalization of higher education.

The conference is free for participants. Please note that lunch will be at own expenses. We kindly ask you to register by sending an e-mail to interculturalcompetences@gmail.com before 23.05.2014.