12.12 Programme available

Interrogating Diversity Initiatives and Programmes

12.12.2013 (10-16, siltavuorenpenger 5A, Helsinki, room to be announced soon

online broadcast at this address: https://connectpro.helsinki.fi/r7kxx8fvtwm/?disclaimer-consent=true)


Watch A Class Divided

It is about an Iowa schoolteacher who, the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered in 1968, gave her third-grade students a first-hand experience in the meaning of discrimination. This is the story of what she taught the children, and the impact that lesson had on their lives.

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Anti-racism education event 6.11


Tervetuloa 6.11.2013 Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitokselle koulutusiltapäivään, jossa keskitytään pohtimaan sitä, miten syrjintää ja rasismia voitaisiin ehkäistä kouluissa.

Tilaisuuden kesto on 13.00-16.00 ja tilaisuus on maksuton.

Paikka: Siltavuorenpenger 5a, Minerva K213.



13.00 – 13.10 Avaussanat ja päivän ohjelman esittely

Fred Dervin, Amin Atabong, Heini Paavola, Helsingin yliopisto, opettajankoulutuslaitos, E4D (Education for Diversities Research Group)

13.10 – 14.00 “Lastenkirjallisuus liikkuvassa, monikulttuurisessa maailmassa”

Anna Rastas, sosiaaliantropologian dosentti, ma. professori, Tampereen yliopisto

14.00 – 14.45 Kasvatuksen keinot – pedagogisia näkökulmia rasisminvastaiseen työhön, Saara Launio, vt.pääsihteeri, Rauhankasvatusinstituutti
14.45 – 15.05 Kahvi (omakustanteinen)
15.00 – 15.50 ”Kytke hommat respektiin” Jan Wieland, Walter ry, Kytke-projektinjohtaja

15.50 – 16.00 Loppuyhteenveto Amin Atabong, Heini Paavola, Helsingin yliopisto, opettajankoulutuslaitos

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CFP: International conference: Intercultural vs. Multicultural Education 2 (Canada), February 27-28, 2014

We invite scholars and practitioners to submit proposals by 1st December 2013.

Paper and colloquia proposals are invited. Individual paper proposals (200-300 words; duration: 30 minutes including a twenty-minute presentation, with an additional ten minutes for discussion). Colloquia proposals (200 words for the colloquium concept and 200-300 words on each paper, duration: 3h, max. 5 participants – conveners and discussant included).

Abstracts for the Western University conference should be submitted to intervsmulti2014@gmail.com

Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee for originality, significance, clarity and academic rigor.

Decisions about the submitted papers: 10th January 2014.

Questions should be sent to: intervsmulti2014@gmail.com

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Alternative goal of Education for Diversities

“The false assurance of artificial diversity are the shadows on the wall in our version of Plato’s allegorical cave: images that we mistake for substance. In Plato’s allegory, those who watch the shadows believe they are the only reality and strongly resist looking outside th cave. ”

P. Wood (2003: 40)