Report on Bern event (Study abroad + interculturality)

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Thought-provoking lectures by keynote speakers Professor Jane Jackson and Professor Fred Dervin.

Facilitating Students’ Intercultural Learning Through Study Abroad

During a high-level kick-off event for Project MILSA (Mentoring Intercultural Learning Through Study Abroad) held at the University of Bern on April 14 and 15, 2016, experts from around the globe shared valuable insights on intercultural learning and study abroad aimed at the development of a mentoring program for outgoing students.

Read more HERE

Interculturality in Education COMING! (Palgrave)

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“Fred Dervin has crafted a radical new interdisciplinary conceptual approach to intercultural education that is well-researched, readable, comprehensive, thought provoking and full of engaging stories and vignettes. His critical analysis of interculturality is anchored in discourses of globalization and power, human rights, dialogicality, social imaginaries, education and his book, above all, challenges essentialist and binary assumptions about culture and identity. This is one of those rare books that can serve as a very useful critical guide for both scholarly research and teaching. It is a book that gives readers rich theoretical tools and illuminating examples on how to understand and navigate the increasingly contentious and asymmetrical global/local intersections of the 21st century.”

(Sunil Bhatia, Professor of Human Development, Connecticut College, USA)
“For teachers and researchers who struggle with knotty questions of what, how, and why in intercultural communication, this book is a must on your reading list. Its insightful exploration of theoretical frontiers is grounded in interesting and tricky real life scenarios. And its pointed deconstruction of many common issues will generate more constructive solutions. A thin book thick with ideas.”

(Professor Yihong Gao, Department of English, Peking University, China)

Read this petition and decide for yourselves if you want to sign it

Dear colleagues,

Universities in Finland are undergoing the worst crisis of their history. In this country, known as a model for highly valuing education, research and teaching, universities are currently sites of abrupt dismissals without fair evaluation, cuts and imperious managerialism. University personnel, students, family members and citizens in many different fields and occupations are signing a petition for changing the dangerous and detrimental course of development of the university institution, which should be considered “a common” for its key critical and formative role in society.

Support for this petition also from abroad is needed. The petition can be signed at


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