New MA programme starting 2016 (University of Helsinki)

EDISO (Master’s Degree Programme in Educational Sciences with an emphasis on Diversities and Social Justice)

Starting 2016 – more info soon!

The current tensions between different ideologies urge us to find solutions to global conflicts and misunderstandings. Education is an important key to these issues. This programme deals with the intercultural, historical, social, political and economic processes that make diversities and social justice matter in formal and informal education. The programme also questions the meaning of inequality and reflects on the kinds of education, skills and knowledge that are needed to combat this ‘wicked problem’. How can educators problematise and respond to it in a global, hyper-mobile and yet divided world? How can we make sure that the gaps between the haves and have-nots, the privileged and disadvantaged, the insiders and outsiders do not widen? How can we make the idea of ‘education for all’ a reality?

This two-year MA-programme offers theoretical, methodological and practical tools to students interested in the future of education especially in relation to the diversification of populations, mobility and migration, needs for stronger social justice/participation, equality and equity and the promotion of sustainability. While grounded in the Finnish and Nordic contexts of education, whose core values include equality and equity, and social justice, the programme proposes both local and global perspectives on past, current and future changes in education. Students will be able to think reflexively and have a better ability to question their own and widely shared assumptions that influence their way of thinking and acting. They will also develop a deeper understanding of how differences such as gender, class, ethnicity/race, sexuality, disability, religious and non-religious worldviews can intersect with social justice in education.

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The programme also actively promotes cooperation with various educational actors locally and globally so that the students can observe and critically analyze the processes that result in hierarchical differences between people as well as prepare them to make change together with people across the lines of difference. The Master’s can lead to pursue a career in education, research, educational leadership, policy-making, consulting, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations. The students might also find career opportunities in journalism, mediation, and business (education entrepreneurship). Concrete examples of job openings after completing the programme include education planner, policy maker, inclusion and equality specialist, curriculum development specialist, international consultant/education coach, diversity officer, diversity recruitment specialist.

New title: Diversities and Interculturality in Textbooks

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Published by Cambridge Scholars

Textbooks are crucial in shaping today’s global and diverse world. They can contribute to making it both ‘better’ and more ‘intercultural’, but also, on occasion, create limited and biased ideas about the ‘Other’. This collected volume undertakes multidisciplinary research into textbooks, taking one of the best education systems in the world—Finland—as an example. The authors investigate the issue of diversities in textbooks from multiple perspectives, disciplines, school levels and content areas. Together, the chapters provide examples of hidden ideologies, (neo-)stereotyping and othering when looking beneath the surface of texts and illustrations. The authors also present concrete tools that can be used for analysing diversities and interculturality in textbooks. In addition, the chapters will also serve to develop teachers’ and students’ abilities to encounter diversities and similarities in ways that enhance their sensitivity, self-reflexivity and criticality. This volume will be of interest for students in educational sciences, pre-service teachers and in-service teachers of various school subjects, teacher educators and researchers in the areas of subject didactics, multicultural and intercultural education, language education, educational leadership, curriculum, and policy.

Forewords by Jari Lavonen, Karen Risager and Adrian Holliday

Commentary by Julie Byrd Clark

More information HERE

Interesting piece

So many people have written about the Paris attacks this week. So many ignorant and hypocrite journalists, pseudo-experts and researchers. So many have wondered if the same could happen in Finland. Everyone has something to say about the Charlie attacks.

The only really interesting piece I read is available HERE

This video is also worth watching! Reza Aslan, UC Riverside. Very depressing to see how a scholar has to battle to fight against ignorance…


Happy holiday season to everyone and thanks for your support and friendship!


(Alpo Jaakola)