SEESHOP 2019 Open day at the University of Helsinki, July 13. 

Dear everyone,

We would like to welcome you to SEESHOP 2019 Open day at the University of Helsinki, July 13. 

SEESHOPs originate from the research tradition of Studies on Expertise and Experience, and have been organized since 2007. The workshop covers a range of topics, including the nature of tacit knowledge, the use of interactional expertise and the importance of retaining a role for specialist expertise. Topics include work related to expertise & law/medicine/environment; trust/distrust of experts and science; interactional and contributory expertise; imitation game methodology and studies of different expert cultures/practices.

Please find the program attached and below:

July 13th. Location: Unioninkatu 40 (Metsätalo), room 8.

  • 9.30-11.00: The Online & Expertise I
    • John McLevey: What do open online communities of specialists need tacit knowledge for anyway?
    • David Caudill: Contempt for Science and Lack of Expertise in the Trump Administration
  • 11.00-11.15: Coffee/Tea
  • 11.15-12.15: The Online & Expertise II
    • Harry Collins: Why is face-to-face communication vital in the age of the internet and video, or, why are we here?
  • 12.15-13.20: Lunch: Salads
  • 13.20-14.40: Science & Democracy
    • Julien Landry: Politics by the Same Means: Think Tanks and the Road to Post-Truth
    • Darrin Durant: Hyperfactualized: Expertise in a Post-Truth Age
  • 14.40-15.00: Coffee/Tea
  • 15.00-16.15: New directions of Imitation Games 
    • Mika Simonen: Triadic Interactions in Group Imitation Games
    • Otto Segersven & Anna Heino: Testing imitation game as a pedagogic tool in Finnish secondary schools
    • Maria Andersin & Tiina Butter: Imitation game as edutainment – a media production trial
  • 16.15 – 17.00: Refreshments

SEESHOP 2019 provides all participants with coffee/tea, some snacks, a salad lunch and refreshments. Therefore, we would kindly ask the participants to sign up by July 1st. You may sign up here:

For further information concerning Open day, or SEESHOP 2019 at the University of Helsinki, July 11-14, please contact Anna Heino,

Hope to see you in SEESHOP 2019 at Helsinki!


Ilkka, Rob, and Eric


Ilkka Arminen

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki


Robert Evans

School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University


Eric B. Kennedy

School of Administrative Studies, York University

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