Academic publishing and the academic in public

Friday, May 24, 2019 at 10 AM – 3 PM
If you are looking for first-hand information and advice about academic publishing and being an academic in public, ETMU (the Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration) and CEREN (the Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism) have just the event for you!
We are excited to announce that the following publishing experts have agreed to share some of their insights with us:

Lotta Haikkola (Editor of the Ilmiö-blog)
Lena Näre (Editor-in-Chief of the Nordic Journal of Migration Research)
Matti Myllykoski (Library services, University of Helsinki)
Leena Kaakinen (Helsinki University Press)
Karin Creutz (PhD Candidate, Soc&Kom/CEREN, University of Helsinki)

Topics for discussion will include open access publishing, publishing popularized science, publishing on sensitive topics, and appearing in the (virtual) public as researchers. Come, meet some peers, talk to publishing experts, and share your experiences! Please register by 16.5. via the Webropol link below.

✨ ? Preliminary Schedule ? ✨

10-11.30 Academic Publishing
Matti Myllykoski (University Library Services): Open Access Publishing
Leena Kaakinen: Publishing with Helsinki University Press (HUP)

11.30-12.30: Lunch (not included)

12.30-14.00 An Academic in Public
Lotta Haikkola: Popularizing Science
Karin Creutz: Studying Sensitive Topics

14.00-14.10: Coffee break (included)

Lena Näre: Tips from a Journal Editor

Afterwards option for informal get-together

SEESHOP 2019 Open day at the University of Helsinki, July 13. 

Dear everyone,

We would like to welcome you to SEESHOP 2019 Open day at the University of Helsinki, July 13. 

SEESHOPs originate from the research tradition of Studies on Expertise and Experience, and have been organized since 2007. The workshop covers a range of topics, including the nature of tacit knowledge, the use of interactional expertise and the importance of retaining a role for specialist expertise. Topics include work related to expertise & law/medicine/environment; trust/distrust of experts and science; interactional and contributory expertise; imitation game methodology and studies of different expert cultures/practices.

Please find the program attached and below:

July 13th. Location: Unioninkatu 40 (Metsätalo), room 8.

  • 9.30-11.00: The Online & Expertise I
    • John McLevey: What do open online communities of specialists need tacit knowledge for anyway?
    • David Caudill: Contempt for Science and Lack of Expertise in the Trump Administration
  • 11.00-11.15: Coffee/Tea
  • 11.15-12.15: The Online & Expertise II
    • Harry Collins: Why is face-to-face communication vital in the age of the internet and video, or, why are we here?
  • 12.15-13.20: Lunch: Salads
  • 13.20-14.40: Science & Democracy
    • Julien Landry: Politics by the Same Means: Think Tanks and the Road to Post-Truth
    • Darrin Durant: Hyperfactualized: Expertise in a Post-Truth Age
  • 14.40-15.00: Coffee/Tea
  • 15.00-16.15: New directions of Imitation Games 
    • Mika Simonen: Triadic Interactions in Group Imitation Games
    • Otto Segersven & Anna Heino: Testing imitation game as a pedagogic tool in Finnish secondary schools
    • Maria Andersin & Tiina Butter: Imitation game as edutainment – a media production trial
  • 16.15 – 17.00: Refreshments

SEESHOP 2019 provides all participants with coffee/tea, some snacks, a salad lunch and refreshments. Therefore, we would kindly ask the participants to sign up by July 1st. You may sign up here:

For further information concerning Open day, or SEESHOP 2019 at the University of Helsinki, July 11-14, please contact Anna Heino,

Hope to see you in SEESHOP 2019 at Helsinki!


Ilkka, Rob, and Eric


Ilkka Arminen

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki


Robert Evans

School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University


Eric B. Kennedy

School of Administrative Studies, York University

“A new narrative for Europe: what are the alternatives?” by Ann Rigney (Utrecht University) Tuesday 7.5.2019,

Dear all,

On Tuesday 7.5.2019, Ann Rigney (Utrecht University) will give a presentation on “A new narrative for Europe: what are the alternatives?” in the EuroStorie research seminar series. The EuroStorie research seminar is organized by the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives and will host a guest speaker or several shorter presentations centered around a common theme. The seminar is open to all without registration.

When: 7.5.2019, 13:00-14:00
Where: Meeting room 229, Psychologicum (Siltavuorenpenger 1 A, 00170 Helsinki)
Event page:

Abstract: Since Renan (1882), it is generally believed that collective identities are sustained by a shared cultural memory. In line with this, European heritage institutions, including the European House of History, have been concerned to develop a common over-arching narrative for Europe that would provide symbolic and affective support for other processes of integration. In my presentation I will draw on recent insights in the interdisciplinary field of cultural memory studies to provide a more dynamic and generative model of the relationship between identity and memory, presenting the latter as ‘processual and relational’ (Olick 2007) rather than as a monolithic fixed legacy. Drawing on a range of examples from across Europe, I will show how cultural memory, while it is often invoked as a bulwark against change, also operates as a communicative resource for making new connections across traditional borders.

Ann Rigney is professor of Comparative Literature at Utrecht University and founder of the Utrecht Forum for Memory Studies. She has published widely in the field of memory studies, both on theoretical issues and with reference to specific developments in memory cultures since the early 19th century. Her many publications include Imperfect Histories (Cornell UP, 2001), The Afterlives of Walter Scott: Memory on the Move (Oxford UP, 2012), Mediation, Remediation, and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory (ed. with A. Erll, de Gruyter, 2009), Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales (ed. with C. De Cesari; de Gruyter, 2014). In 2018 she was awarded an ERC advanced grant for her project Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe (ReAct), which will run until 2024.

For more information about EuroStorie, the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives, please see

Best wishes,
Heta Björklund

Ilana Gershon, Visiting Professor to Helsinki Social Sciences 2019-21,

will be giving her first seminar at Helsinki on Tuesday, 7th May, 16 – 18, U35 h.113

“Theorizing Multiple Social Orders and Leaky Boundaries”,

to be held 16:15 – 17:45 on Tuesday 7th May 2019, in room 113, Unioninkatu 35.

Abstract: In this talk, I want to propose that ontological perspectivism is not the only theoretical movement in anthropology wrestling with the uneasy legacy that the culture concept has left in its theoretical wake.  A growing number of anthropologists are taking on board ontological perspectivists’ complicated engagement with the analytical possibilities promised by culture, but starting from a different intellectual first cut.  While ontological perspectivists presume Others exist within a single different ontology, multiple social orders (MSO) theorists believe that their fieldwork interlocutors are constantly navigating multiple social orders.  They ask: how do people on the ground manage to move between different social orders in their daily lives, social orders that not only ethnographers find contradictory but that the people themselves on the ground sometimes find challenging to live with simultaneously as they move, sometimes rapidly, between these epistemologically and ontologically different ways of carving up the world.  To ask the question ethnographically, how do the same people manage to engage in kula trade and go to the market, how do they manage to go to church and respect the ancestors properly, all in the same week?  At its core, this is a question of imagination — how do ethnographers approach the multiple social imaginations that allow people to create and cross multiple social orders that at different moments complement and contradict each other?  In this talk, I explore how beginning from the premise that everyone lives among leaky multiple social orders encourages anthropologists to explore questions surrounding how the boundaries of social orders are created and maintained, how people, objects, and ideas circulate translated across social orders, and how people navigate the spacetime of different social orders.


Ilana Gershon is the Ruth N. Hall Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University. She earned her PhD at the University of Chicago and has taught at Yale and Emerson College (Boston), and held research fellowships at the University of London, the Center for Advanced Studies of the University of Notre Dame and the Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Stanford. She has done ethnographic fieldwork in Samoa and the United States, and her published research covers areas such as legal anthropology, the anthropology of work, new media use, science studies, and diasporic societies. She is the author of four monographs, seven edited volumes, and 45 articles, and has given 30 invited guest lectures at academic institutions in Britain, Canada, Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, and the U.S.A. Her most recent book is published by the University of Chicago Press, and is entitled Down and Out In the New Economy: How People Find (or Don’t Find) Work Today ( ).


All welcome.


CALL FOR PAPERS – (In)tangible technology and data in medical humanities and social sciences October 17th-18th 2019 Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland #intangible2019

Research on health and illness conducted within medical humanities and social sciences inherently engages both people(such as healthy volunteers, patients, their families, health professionals, geneticists, lab specialists, data managers and policy makers) and their non-human counterparts, in particular, data and technology. Humans, data and technology travel, intermingle and converge. Yet technological applications and analysis of big health data are increasingly defining health and illness, as well as influencing the direction of healthcare policies and services in ways that downplay their fundamental entanglement with mundane, embodied and institutional human activities. Contextualizing and exploring human-data-technology relations allows for a better understanding of healthcare practices.

This symposium aims at facilitating an interdisciplinary discussion and cooperation between scholars in the humanities and social sciences (anthropology, sociology, science and technology studies, philosophy, law, psychology, gender studies among others) who examine assemblages of tangible and intangible materialities and health-related issues. We particularly welcome empirically-grounded papers that firstly address issues that pertain to the meaning of, access to, gathering and translation of health-related data in contemporary societies. Secondly, as a growing number of health practices depend on different technologies (such as health apps, feeding tubes, monitoring devices, telecare), we want to examine what happens when the human-technology-data assemblage becomes part of daily life.

We invite contributions that address issues such as:

·       Everyday practices of patients and/or professionals in using and modifying technology and data;

·       Materialities and their interactions – how technology, food, pharmaceuticals and data co-construct health and illness;

·       Care and caring with data and technology;

·       Politics of healthcare data and technology;

·       The impact of and appropriation of data and technology in local and global health.

Keynote speakers:

·       Prof. Vincanne AdamsDepartment of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine, University of California SF

·       Dr Christine Aicardi, Senior Research Fellow, Human Brain Project Foresight Laboratory, Kings College London

·       Prof. Barbara Katz Rothman, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, City University of New York

Please submit your abstract by April 30th 2019. Decisions on acceptance will be made by May 31st. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. Please add a bio note of max. 100 words including your name, e-mail and affiliation.

Information about the symposium will be updated on our blog

There will be a workshop directed to PhD students on 16th October. The call for papers will open in May 2019. The idea for the pre-symposium for doctoral students is to enable them to present and receive feedback from keynote and invited speakers on their research papers, such as work-in-progress manuscripts. 

For further information, please contact the organisers of the symposium:

Karoliina Snell

Małgorzata Rajtar mrajtar@ifispan.waw.plor

Westermarck seminar 13.5.2019: Grandmother hypothesis revised

Presentation: Simon N. Chapman: Grandmother hypothesis revised

Time: Monday 13th May at 4 pm to 6 pm

Place: University of Helsinki: Unioninkatu 35, ground floor, seminar room sh 114

The presentation is based on the recent article:

Chapman, S.N., Pettay, J.E., Lummaa, V. & Lahdenperä, M. (2019). Limits to Fitness Benefits of Prolonged Post-reproductive Lifespan in Women. Current Biology, 29, 645–650.

Simon N. Chapman is a PhD student in the Human Life History Group at the Department of Biology at the University of Turku, supervised by Professor Virpi Lummaa. He completed his Master’s in the Myanmar Timber Elephant Project at the University of Sheffield in the UK in 2015, also under the supervision of Lummaa, and was working on growth in the Asian elephant.

Welcome to listen and discuss, no preregistration required!

Open Moodle platform for seminar can be found here:

Edward Westermarck (1862-1939) is a founding father of Finnish sociology and one of the world’s first evolutionary sociologist whose scientific thinking was a century ahead of its time. Westermarck seminar gathers together researchers and students interested in evolutionary research from different disciplines. Cross-disciplinary seminar is open to all.


Antti Tanskanen

Mirkka Danielsbacka

The ”Great White North”? Critical Perspectives on Whiteness in the Nordics and its Neighbours

Call for Papers (PhD Workshop & Conference)

University of Helsinki, 26 and 27-28 August, 2019

Conference keynotes by

Nelson Maldonado-Torres (Rutgers University)

Suvi Keskinen (University of Helsinki)

Anne-Marie Fortier (Lancaster University

PhD Workshop keynote by

Kristín Loftsdóttir (University of Iceland) 

Race is a thorny issue in the global north. It cannot be addressed comfortably in environments that understand themselves to be ‘colourblind’ but are, in fact, overwhelmingly white. This seems to apply particularly to the Nordics, where notions of equality and fairness are so central to a collective sense of identity, and where the prohibition of racial discrimination dominates discourses about race. However, recent publications have tackled the issue of ‘Nordic whiteness’, taking up the perspectives and methodologies of post-colonial studies to critically engage with the seemingly non-colonial, colourblind (or even colourless?) societies of the North (e.g. Lundström & Teitelbaum, 2017; Loftsdottir & Jensen, 2012; Garner, 2014; Hübinette, 2017). This conference invites researchers to build on that work, and particularly welcomes contributions from a cultural and humanities driven perspective.

The conference-organizers are committed to examining post- and de-colonial perspectives on Whiteness that do not take ‘modern’ nations and regions as their point of departure, and can therefore accommodate different practices of migration, different understandings of indigeneity, and different ‘Nordic’ ethnicities. As Sarah Ahmed has noted, whiteness is an inherited history (and thus culturally specific and malleable) that shapes bodies, affecting how they take up space and what they can do. This opens up perspectives for research on the languages and practices of ‘belonging’ that we aim to explore during the course of the conference. The conference aims to tackle two main sets of questions:

1)      Questions of linguistic/cultural difference in the expression and representation of Whiteness. How are issues of race, colonization, whiteness and belonging expressed in the different languages (either ‘national’ or different indigenous languages) used in the region, and how do linguistic and cultural differences inflect the experience of racialized bodies? What kind of ‘language ideologies’ are at work in the construction and expression of Nordic Whiteness?

2)      Questions of belonging and their change over time. Where can a chronologically as well as geographically ‘blurred’ perspective take us, how can we look for (imagined) continuities and changes in the meaning of Whiteness and Otherness (rather than contrasting ‘historical’ and ‘contemporary’ views). This could include, e.g., questions about the current ‘use’ of history by white supremacist groups, but also the transitory meaning of ‘Whiteness’ as a category.

The conference aims toward a diverse, multi-disciplinary field and welcomes contributions mobilizing methods in fields such as anthropology, linguistics, history, cultural studies, sociology etc. We are keen to open up a conversation regarding ‘the Nordics’ in a broad sense, showing its diversity in modes of belonging as well as its different (indigenous) languages across Scandinavia, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Lapland and (Western) Russia.

Submission of proposals

Proposals for twenty-minute papers should include: a title, an abstract of up to 300 words, contact details and institutional affiliation, and a note of any particular requirements.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 30 April 2019

Proposals should be uploaded to our website:

The conference will be preceded by a workshop for graduate students. To find out more, or to send in an abstract for the workshop by 30 April, 2019, check out our website:

Contact Email:

CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN until 30th of April – Gender Studies Conference 2019 On Violence 24.-26.10. in Helsinki

GENERAL MEETING AND NETWORKING EVENT of FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society (Suomen Tieteidenvälinen Seura ry.) on Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Do you like to connect distinct ideas in your research? Have you struggled in your efforts to cross bridges between disciplinary fields?
Are you eager to overcome persistent boundaries between different learning communities?
Do you want to foster new forms of research and teaching collaboration?

We look forward to learning from your experiences at the

GENERAL MEETING AND NETWORKING EVENT of FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society (Suomen Tieteidenvälinen Seura ry.)

on Tuesday, May 7, 2019:

6:00-7:45pm: General Meeting at Svenska Social- och kommunalhögskolan (Snellmaninkatu 12, Helsinki)

8:00-10:00pm: Networking Event at Roster Bar Lounge (Pohjoisesplanadi 17, Helsinki)

The General Meeting will examine developments of FINTERDIS since the Society’s establishment in October 2018, elect a new Board of Directors, and determine the plan for activities for the academic year 2019-2020. FINTERDIS aims to support the interdisciplinary efforts of early-career scholars in particular, while also committed to promoting dialogue across fields and generations.

The Networking event is meant to promote informal engagement between participants from different fields and scholars at different career stages. Both events are open to all scholars regardless of university affiliation, career stage, or field(s) of specialty.

More detailed information about these interconnected events can be found in the attachment. More information about FINTERDIS is available on our website.

Please register by Friday,May 3 by sending us an email to Registration is expected so we can make sure we have enough space. In your email, please let us know whether you will be attending the General Meeting, the Networking Event, or both. In case you are interested in becoming a FINTERDIS Board member, please tell us a little about yourself and your interdisciplinary background. In case of any thoughts, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us! Please feel free to redistribute this email!

Warm regards,

Kirsi Cheas, president

Anna-Leena Riitaoja, vice president

FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society