
Climate change competencies from perspective of Finnish youth
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Reference: Taurinen, J., Vesterinen, V-M., Veijonaho, S., Siponen, J., Riuttanen, L. and Ruuskanen, T. : Climate change competencies from perspective of Finnish youth, Journal of Youth Studies, pp. 1–20, 2024. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2024.2343724. Download the author manuscript in pdf.

Ilmastoasiantuntijuutta tutkimassa ja opettamassa
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Reference: Lauri A., Santala, M. and Kontro I.: Ilmastoasiantuntijuutta tutkimassa ja opettamassa. Archimedes 3/2022, pp. 16-23, 2022.

Changes in students’ knowledge, values, worldview, and willingness to take mitigative climate action after attending a course on holistic climate change education
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Reference: Tolppanen, S., Kang, J. and Riuttanen, L.: Changes in students’ knowledge, values, worldview, and willingness to take mitigative climate action after attending a course on holistic climate change education. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 373, 133865, 2022.

Society needs experts with climate change competencies – what is the role of higher education in atmospheric and Earth system sciences?
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Reference: Riuttanen, L., Ruuskanen, T., Äijälä, M. and Lauri, A.: Society needs experts with climate change competencies – what is the role of higher education in atmospheric and Earth system sciences?, Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 73:1, 1-14,2021. DOI: 10.1080/16000889.2021.1917862

Etäopetuksen kehittäminen meritieteen peruskurssilla
Reference: Vehviläinen, M.: Etäopetuksen kehittäminen meritieteen peruskurssilla. BSc thesis, University of Helsinki, 2021.

Knowledge Transfer of the Holistic View of Air Quality: Development of a modern framework for higher education
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Reference: Sihvonen, P.: Knowledge Transfer of the Holistic View of Air Quality: Development of a modern framework for higher education. PhD Thesis. University of Helsinki, 2020.

Research-oriented intensive courses foster multidisciplinary atmospheric science
Reference: Lauri, A., Ruuskanen, T.Riuttanen, L., Hari, P. and Kulmala, M.: Research-oriented intensive courses foster multidisciplinary atmospheric science. World Meteorological Organization, Global Campus Innovations, 2020. 

Säteilypakote-käsitteen oppiminen Ilmasto.nyt-kurssilla
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Reference: Martikainen, J.: Säteilypakote-käsitteen oppiminen Ilmasto.nyt-kurssilla. [Learning of the concept of radiative transfer at course.] Pro gradututkielma. Helsingin yliopisto, 2019.  

Osallistava toimintamalli ilmastoviestintään: verkkopalvelu kansalaisille ja tutkijoille
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Reference: Santala, M.: Osallistava toimintamalli ilmastoviestintään: verkkopalvelu kansalaisille ja tutkijoille. [Participatory operations model for climate communication: online service for citizens and researchers.] Pro gradu –tutkielma. Helsingin yliopisto, 2019. 

A pedagogy of interconnectedness for encountering climate change as a wicked sustainability problem
Reference: Lehtonen, A., Salonen, A., Cantell H. and Riuttanen L.: A pedagogy of interconnectedness for encountering climate change as a wicked sustainability problem. Journal of cleaner production, 199, pp. 860-867, 2018.  

An Exploratory Study of the Learning of Transferable Skills in a Research-Oriented Intensive Course in Atmospheric Sciences
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Reference: Ruuskanen
T., Vehkamäki, H., Riuttanen, L. and Lauri A.: An Exploratory Study of the Learning of Transferable Skills in a Research-Oriented Intensive Course in Atmospheric Sciences. Sustainability, 10(5), 1385, 2018. 

Knowledge transfer of climate-ecosystem-interactions between science and society — Introducing the Climate Whirl concept
Reference: Juurola, E., Korhonen, J. F. J., Kulmala, L., Kolari, P., Taipale, U., Rasinmäki, J., Ruuskanen, T., Haapoja, T., ck, J., Levula, J., Riuttanen, L., Kyrö, E.-M., Dzhedzhev, I., Nikinmaa, E., Vesala, T. and Kulmala, M. 2014: Knowledge transfer of climate-ecosystem-interactions between science and society — Introducing the Climate Whirl concept. Boreal Env. Res. 19 (suppl. B), 406-411, 2014.