Release: The Ob-Ugric Material Available at Fenno-Ugrica

The pace of releasing the new material is steady, but rapid in deed. In two weeks’ intervals, we are receiving new deliveries from the National Library of Russia (Saint Peterburg). Not long ago, we made the monographs in Mari languages available for the public in Fenno-Ugrica and now 72 monographs in Khanty and Mansi are in our collection too.

The majority of the monographs in Khanty and Mansi are related with the respective language itself. Some of the represented monographs are written on the dialect that may be seen from the used letters. The vast majority of the items are linked with the language education and teaching, but it is noteworthy that we have managed to put some Russian classics, children’s books and other fiction in Khanty and Mansi onto collection too. Texts of the ABC-books and of the other literature on didactics translated from Russian into Khanty and Mansi and vice versa are represented widely which may be a good source for the comparative research. As these items cannot really be traced in any Finnish library catalogues, we are delighted to offer them for you, whether you just want to practice your skills of Ob-Ugric languages or do some serious research based on this material.

For further enquiries, please, don’t hesitate to contact us:

Victoria Kurkina & Jussi-Pekka Hakkarainen

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