Press Release: National Library’s unique online collection of kindred languages to be made available for open access and as material for linguistic research

The National Library of Finland has published the Fenno-Ugrica online collection of Finno-Ugrian material as well as the related researcher services. The collection contains about 17,000 pages of publications in the Ingrian and Veps languages, totalling more than 120 monographs, of which most are textbooks and dictionaries published in the Soviet Union. In addition to the books, the digitised material includes close to 20,000 pages of Mari and Mordvin newspapers from the 1920s and 1930s.

The Fenno-Ugrica material was digitised from the collections of the National Library of Russia (St Petersburg). This is the first time that material published in the former Soviet Union has been made freely available for public use in the National Library of Finland data systems. The copyright clearance, which aimed for the open publication of the material, was undertaken together with the National Library Resource (Moscow).

The online collection was developed in the National Library of Finland’s Digitisation Project of Kindred Languages, which is part of the Kone Foundation Language Programme. The objective of the Language Programme is to promote the documentation of small Finno-Ugrian languages, Finnish and Finland’s minority languages as well as to strengthen their status and accessibility.

Free, open access to the material ensures that it can be used by both the academic community and the speakers of the kindred languages of Finnish. The National Library of Finland has developed an OCR editor to support the research use of the material. The editor allows text that has undergone a process of machine identification to be edited for the purposes of linguistic research.

Press releases in Finnish and Russian here: Handout_6_6_2013_fi // Handout_6_6_2013_ru

Further information about the project:
The Fenno-Ugrica collection:
Project blog:

Further information:
Jussi-Pekka Hakkarainen
Project Manager
National Library of Finland
PO Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23)
00014 University of Helsinki
+358 9 191 40793

130 thoughts on “Press Release: National Library’s unique online collection of kindred languages to be made available for open access and as material for linguistic research

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