Closing symposium of the ERC project GramAdapt: ”Language contact and linguistic adaptation”

The closing symposium of the ERC Starting Grant project GramAdapt led by Kaius Sinnemäki is organised on 30-31 May 2024 in lecture halls 4 and 6, Metsätalo, University of Helsinki. The theme of the conference is Language contact and linguistic adaptation.

On top of talks by the GramAdapt team members, and a poster session, the program features talks by the following invited speakers: Rena Torres-Cacoullos (Pennsylvania State University), Ad Backus (Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences) Stefan Dedio (University of Zurich & University of Helsinki), Messineo, Cristina & Paola Cuneo (National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and Buenos Aires University), Francesca Moro (University of Naples L’Orientale), Admire Phiri (University of Porto), Frederik Hartmann (University of North Texas) & Johanna Nichols (University of California, Berkeley), and Mark Ellison (University of Cologne).

The event is partly co-organized with the Doctoral Programme in Languages (HELSLANG) whose summer conference shares some sessions with this symposium.

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