Unsettling Ecological Imperialism by Reconciling South-North Interests?

By Ayonghe Akonwi Nebasifu, University of Helsinki Ecological imperialism characterises much of the global ecological crises today. In seeking justice therefore, we must be cautious of its dangers. Take for instance, the institutionalised long-term inequalities, unfettered economic growth, to tensions over land distribution, that emerge from ecologically unequal exchanges of capitalism and their detrimental effects on …

Just Ecological Political Economy

The  latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2022 Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, provides a sobering account of the health of our Earth. According to the report, not only have ecological crises worsened, but our planet will continue to deteriorate. Describing the problems is one thing; analysing them is another. …

The Persistence of Capitalist Wastefulness

By  Vanesa Martín Galán Plastic Everywhere In recent decades, the generation of solid waste has grown exponentially. Overall, the amount of municipal solid waste in low-income countries has seen a significant increase, rising from around 0.64 billion metric tons in 1970 to 2 billion metric tons in 2019. Recent studies indicate that the global volume …

A Stratification Economics Response to the United Nations

By Franklin Obeng-Odoom Photo: A scene from the outbreak of the Berbice Revolt, 1763. Credits: The photo is taken from the cover page of the book ‘The Era of Enslavement c. 1638-1838’ written by David A. Granger with artwork by Barrington C. Braithwaite A New Social Democracy Global Development Processes could be understood in many ways; …

Electrification, Green Technology, and Climate Change Mitigation Versus Environmental and Social Justice

By Tiia Kolari, M.Sc., University of Helsinki Ecological Modernization A new wave of ‘ecological modernization’ is sweeping across the world. Green cars are prominent drivers, and green technology is in the driving seat. The climate emergency is threatening all life forms on Earth, as the climate is catastrophically changing due to rising greenhouse gas (GHG) …

Oil Cities as the Present Sites for Escaping the Past

By Stephan J. Hauser, Postdoctoral Researcher, Helsinki Institute for Sustainability Science, University of Helsinki “Through negative loops, such as accepting the normalization of unsustainability as sustainability and taking path-dependency as inescapable, the narration of the inability to change becomes reality” – Salovaara, J. J., & Hagolani-Albov, S Introduction Port cities have always been important nodes …

Book Review: Property, Institutions, and Social Stratification in Africa

Title under review: Obeng-Odoom, F. (2020). Property, Institutions, and Social Stratification in Africa: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-49199-0 Reviewer: Dave Manneh, Independent Researcher (Intersection of Science, Technology and Society) Editor: Dr Ayonghe Akonwi Nebasifu (Forest Science Department, University of Helsinki) Paradigm Shift: Unveiling New Perspectives on African Economic Realities “Property, Institutions and Social Stratification in …

Reflections on Professor Dronova’s Lecture: ‘Breaking stereotypes: Ukraine, Kyiv, the War’

By Aino Arkko The author is a student of Global Development Studies at the University of Helsinki Figure 1. damaged tank Russian’s war in Ukraine, Image by Freepik. The fluctuating nature of modern warfare and armed conflict often ignore the severe environmental consequences which are frequently pervasive and devastating, not only impacting the immediate environment …

Book Review

Decolonial Ecology: Thinking from the Caribbean World (2021) by Malcolm Ferdinand By Onni Ahvonen, University of Helsinki The worsening global ecological crises justify the increasing attention given to sustainability science, environmental thinking generally, environmental policy, and activism. But recent research by writers from the Global South has called into question the state of the art.  …