
If you have any questions or need additional information about the Just Ecological Political Economy (JEPE), please contact us via e-mail at

Follow the JEPE and the HELSUS Global Theme on Twitter (@Helsinki_GS).

Want to be part of JEPE?

Does your research relate to the aims and vision of the Just Ecological Political Economy (JEPE) ? Sharing your work via JEPE is a privilege. Every post on JEPE goes through an extensive and intensive process of editing. Only a selected few complete the blog’s elaborate editing process characterised by rigour and relevance. The editors are not looking for quantity. Quality and novelty are more important. A shrewd editorial board, constituted by the finest brains from all walks of life, supports the editing process. Our mission is to question all sustainability science. We defend not just any political economy, but a just ecological political economy. The blog strives to decolonise nature, economy, and society. Nothing more; nothing less.

Interest in contributing to the JEPE is not enough. We invite only those who passionately seek the truth. If that describes you—write to us at

Please try to adhere to the following guidelines when preparing a post for JEPE. 

  • We publish short essays, interviews, and book reviews (please see below if you are interested in a visual or other non-text contribution)
  • The length of your text should be approximately 1000 words
  • The working language of the blog is English
  • Use language that is accessible to readers outside of your specific discipline.
  • Your contribution should also be digestible to non-academic audiences
  • Use descriptive sub-headings to help lead the reader through the text
  • Do not use in-text citations. Instead, please provide embedded links to relevant sources (see current posts for examples)
  • Try to provide concrete examples to illustrate the theoretical claims made in your text
  • You are welcome to provide a recommended reading list for people who want to dive deeper into the topic.
  • If you have a preferred photo or photos, please submit them along with your post
  • You must have the copyright of every photo supplied

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us via e-mail We would be happy to discuss your proposals and ideas for blog posts. The editorial team at JEPE reserves the right to edit blog texts for length, substance, or clarity.

Would you prefer to express yourself in some non-textual way?

Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail if you would like to contribute visual, or other non-textual content for the blog.