Special issue of Nordic Welfare Research out now

Anna Alanko and Matilda Hellman serve as guest editors for Nordic Welfare Research journal special issue “The Nordic Welfare State’s value base and resilience: A status update” (NWR 3/2021)

The journal issue contains five original articles discussing the state of affairs in the Nordic welfare state, asking how are the traditional Nordic welfare state ideals interacting with todays’ world. The topic is discussed in the light of a broad range of examples extending from citizen’s views on gambling derived profits, residential child care, substance use treatment, bureaucrats encountering refugees and mass media discussions on welfare.

In the editorial the guest editors together with the NWR editor-in-chief Terje Olsen diagnose the Nordic welfare state as a model as very much alive and kicking.

In a contribution on the gambling-funded third sector work in Finland by CEACG doctoral student Veera Kankainen and colleagues three datasets are analyzed. The materials represent different mundane arenas: Finnish citizens, welfare-promoting third-sector organizations, and the mass media. The study points out ways in which the gambling profit-based grant system represents both universalism and particularism in view of the welfare states rationales.

In a her contribution to the special issue Matilda Hellman asks how the Nordic welfare state is doing, analyzing public constructs of the welfare state in four Nordic countries. She concludes four models according to which the Nordic welfare state is conceptualized in the countries: Transactional view (DK), over-generational view (FIN), Emphasis on sustainability (NO), ideology-based view (SWE).

The full issue of the Nordic Welfare Research journal with full text articles is available here: https://www.idunn.no/nordisk_valfardsforskning

Nordisk Välfärdsforskning/ Nordic Welfare Research is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by the Nordic Welfare Centre.