Invitation for Contributions: Addiction – What Is The Added Value Of The Concept Today?

This is an invitation for contributions for a thematic issue on Addiction: What Is The Added Value Of The Concept Today? based on the thematic meeting of the Kettil Bruun Society organized at Majvik, Finland, in October 2012 by the University of Helsinki Colloquium of Advanced Studies and the Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance (CEACG). The issue will be published in the International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, a journal published on behalf of the Kettil Bruun Society.

We welcome contributions from both the participants of the meeting and others, discussing the ways in which addiction can be understood in view of the knowledge available. What does the concept of addiction contribute with? Why is it useful or insufficient? We are looking for critical and careful analysis of evidence, reflection on the moral and practical implications of the concept in different contexts, and the way forward needed to be given to a proper and free space of interchange between different points of view. For more information about the background of the conference, please view

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed; their publication relies on their quality and relevance. Articles should be no longer than 3000 words, exclusive of references, tables and figures. Manuscripts exceeding this word limit should make a convincing case for an article to be longer, and be approved by the editorial team. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.

The timetable is as follows:

Abstract submission by15th of March 2013 to

Manuscript submission: by15th of August 2013.

Guest editors:

Anita Borch, National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO), Norway

Varpu Rantala, Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance (CEACG), Finland