Recent publications

In 2020 was published ‘The review of over-indebtedness trajectory in recent years’ [Katsaus viime vuosien ylivelkaantumiskehitykseen], which was based on a special request from the Ministry of Justice. The review was based on public statistics and previous research results, and we answered, among other things, the research question on which population groups are at risk of over-indebtedness and has there been any changes in these groups.

Two studies related to debt problems were published in 2019: Debt Judgments as a Reflection of Consumption-Related Debt Problems  and Parental financial support: A safety net for young adults with debt problems . The first article was a more general study of civil law debts based on debt judgment data. The second article was based on questionnaire collected on the Internet and aimed at young adults. The article sought an answer to a question: ‘Do indebted young adults receive more parental financial support than young adults without debt problems’.

In 2016 the first review of debt judgment data was published: ‘The Nature of Debt Problems and the Effects of the Law Reform on Instant Loans in the Light of Debt Judgmentssummary in English  [Velkaongelmien luonne ja pikavippiuudistuksen vaikutukset velkomustuomioiden valossa]. The second report of debt judgment data was published in 2017: ‘Recent Changes in Serious Debt Problems. Analysis of Debt Judgments’ [Viime vuosien muutokset vakavissa velkaongelmissa: Analyysi velkomustuomioista]. In 2017 was also published the report based on Internet survey to young adults: Young Adults’ Debts, Debt Problems and Means to Balance Finances’ [Nuorten aikuisten velat, velkaongelmat ja keinot talouden tasapainottamiseksi]. This report was part of a four-year project, ‘Youth and Debt’, funded by the Academy of Finland.

In Youth and Debt -project were published also other articles in 2015–2017. Next three articles were based on administrative registers. The Social Register of Debt Problems in a Nordic Welfare State was published in 2015, and it is a more general study of the issue of debt problems. Two subsequent articles were published in 2016 and 2017. They focused on young adults’ transitions and debt enforcement: Debt problems and life transitions: a register-based panel study of Finnish young people, and Debt Problems, Home-Leaving, and Boomeranging: A register-based perspective on the economic consequences of moving away from parental home. Second article focused on life transitions: leaving home, obtaining the first full-time job, and becoming a parent, and examined the link between these three transitions and debt enforcement. In the third article, the measure of debt problems was based on monthly data on debt enforcement, and used the longitudinal analyses.

Other previous studies of debt problems can be found from the Debt-blog.