The International Network in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies (INREES) invites currently enrolled postgraduate students affiliated with a Finnish university to apply for a 2-month visiting fellowship at the University of Bremen, the University of Södertörn or the University of Tartu in fall 2024.

The INREES programme gives an opportunity for three Finnish early-stage researchers to have a two-month research visit. The multidisciplinary INREES programme provides the visiting fellows a unique opportunity to gather material, write their on-going research projects and produce new scholarly outputs. These fellowships may also launch new scholarly ventures and research projects in collaboration with partners and colleagues from our partner universities.

Funding period: September – December 2024
Deadline for applications: 27 March 2024
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2024

Application documents:
1. Motivation letter: To what university or universities is the applicant applying to, how applicant’s research would benefit from the visit
2. Research plan (max. 4,000 words, including the list of references)
3. CV

Successful applicants will be provided with a monthly scholarship of €2,400 (travel and accommodation are covered from the scholarship) Travel, accommodation and health insurance coverage are to be arranged by prospective fellows themselves, but the programme can
provide help with these.
INREES fellows are expected to consult with the researchers and possible hosts at the receiving university and to participate in relevant seminars and courses.

Applications should be sent to with the reference to INREES in the subject line of email letter.

For more information on the INREES and the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, please see the websites:

You can also contact the following persons:

University of Helsinki: Kaarina Aitamurto, University lecturer, coordinator of the INREES project, Aleksanteri Institute,

University of Helsinki: Vladimir Gel’man, Professor, Aleksanteri Institute,

University of Bremen: Heiko Pleines, Vice Director, Research Centre for East European
Studies at the University of Bremen,

Södertörn University: Yulia Gradskova, Research Coordinator, Center for Baltic and East European Studies, Södertörn University, Sweden

University of Tartu: Andrey Makarychev, Professor of Regional Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies,

Call for Applications: INREES Spring Scool 2023 at the University of Tartu

Call for Applications

Methodological choices and challenges in the study of Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe

The International Network in Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies (INREES) welcomes PhD students working in the field of social sciences and humanities to the three-day spring school at the University of Tartu on 7 – 10 March 2023

Area studies is a multidisciplinary field of research and area studies scholars apply a myriad of quantitative and qualitative methods. These methods are connected to different epistemological positions thus also offering answers to different kinds of questions.  INREES spring school invites area studies scholars and doctoral candidates to discuss methodological choices in the study of Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe. During the lectures and workshops, the scholars can discuss how the information, viewpoints, and insights that are attained with different methods can be brought into a dialogue. In addition, the INREEES spring school offers the opportunity to reflect on the new methodological challenges that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created. How to find reliable information during the war, especially in authoritarian countries with strict censorship? When many sources are no more available, what kind of innovative solutions can scholars find?

The spring school contains lectures from experts in different methods. In addition, there will be three workshops on digital research / quantitative methods, archival work, and discourse analysis. Before spring school, the participants are asked to send a one-page paper about their methodological choices in their research project for the workshops. The spring school will take care of the costs for accommodation, meals, and transportation from Helsinki to Tartu.


The speakers of the Spring school are:

  • Luca Anceschi, University of Glasgow
  • Sari Autio-Sarasmo, University of Helsinki
  • Ammon Cheskin, University of Glasgow
  • Vladimir Gel’man, University of Helsinki
  • Yulia Gradskova, Södertörn University
  • Andrey Makarychev, University of Tartu
  • Julia Malitska, Södertörn University
  • Svetlana Erpyleva, Public Sociology Laboratory, University of Bremen


Please send your applications with an abstract (max 500 words) of your doctoral research project, your affiliation, and contact information by 25 January, 2023 through the following link:

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 31 January 2023. For more information, you can contact the coordinator of the INREES Kaarina Aitamurto ( )

More about the INREES project: