Monthly Archives: July 2013


What do American beer and making love in a small canoe have in common? They are both f…..g close to water. Or so goes the old story. And if you restrict “beer” to Budweiser, Miller, and Coors, you’d be entirely … Continue reading

Posted in Bureaucracy, California | Comments Off on Beer

Commuting and Cars

Back home in Finland, I commute by car, largely because the Kumpula campus where I work, is very poorly reachable by public transport from places north of it. Also for the past years The Daughter’s daycare was not within walking … Continue reading

Posted in California, Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

Kids in America

Earlier I wrote about how our kids adapted to life in Korea, now it’s time to recap the situation here in California. The Older One, as I wrote earlier, went to kindergarten for about 3 months and that has now … Continue reading

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