Finland in Korea

Well, what do you know, I ran into something interesting today. After the conference and a dinner, I and a couple of others went for a drink near the conference venue. We went to Garosugil street, which is a popular area these days. The name means the street that is lined with trees that are next to a street, or so it was explained to me at least. There were a lot of people around, it was a Friday night after all.

Garosugil street in Seoul

On the way I also spotted the shop below.

Marimekko in Seoul

Yes, I was somewhat surprised to see a Marimekko store in Seoul, but seeing it, I remembered that yes, I had indeed heard of a Marimekko store in Seoul. Later that night, when I finally got home, The Better Half asked me if I had seen the Iittala store as well. It’s supposed to be in the same area, or that’s where she thought it would be. No, I didn’t see that, but maybe I’ll go back to hunt for it. I remember seeing Iittala glasses at the Lotte department store in downtown Seoul on some earlier trips. In case you’re in Seoul, this is near Sinsa subway station. I didn’t go in to check the prices, since that might have been somewhat of a shock.

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