Category Archives: Technology

On Technology

Technology is a funny thing, especially for someone who’s actually working in the field. Obviously there’s the part of developing it (where I usually come in :)) but this posting is more about how technology is used in everyday life … Continue reading

Posted in California, Korea, Technology | 4 Comments

Mobile Phones in the USA

Here comes the obvious sequel to my stories about mobile phones in Korea. Well, we came to California and as I suspected earlier, things did not improve. From my business trips to the US over the past couple of years, … Continue reading

Posted in California, Technology | Comments Off on Mobile Phones in the USA

Mobile Phones in Korea, Addendum

One small addendum to my Korean experience is that the supposed automatic recharging of my prepaid data plan with KT didn’t quite work as expected. Sure, it recharged itself twice during last fall, but in December it didn’t do it … Continue reading

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Internet and Geography

I’ve noticed an interesting, although not a new, thing about Internet here. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about the speed which is more than adequate here, or at least if you know what you’re doing. This post will get … Continue reading

Posted in Korea, Miscellaneous, Technology | Comments Off on Internet and Geography

Tips for Tourists

So, you are coming to Korea as a tourist and want to avoid paying data roaming fees, since in this age of smartphones, a phone without a data connection is next to useless. Sure, it can make calls (roaming, thus … Continue reading

Posted in Korea, Miscellaneous, Technology, Traveling | Comments Off on Tips for Tourists

Mobile Phones in Korea

Addendum: The automatic recharging of prepaid mobile data that I mention below, didn’t quite work as expected. Just something you might want to know in case you go that route. Ok, I’ve alluded to this post many times already, so … Continue reading

Posted in Korea, Miscellaneous, Technology | 10 Comments