New personnel in 2015-2016

We have got new people in the group! Dr. Bartosz Adamczyk joined the group and takes the charge of soil chemical analysis in NITROFUNGI project. See more on Bartek’s expertise in

PhD student Mari Mäki started to work on VOC-fluxes in our field site in the summer 2015. See more


New publications in 2015

We have published new research in 2015:

Jussi Heinonsalo, Hui Sun, Minna Santalahti, Kirsi Bäcklund, Pertti Hari,
Jukka Pumpanen (2015) Evidences on the Ability of Mycorrhizal Genus Piloderma to Use Organic Nitrogen and Deliver It to Scots Pine. PLOS ONE

Hui Sun, Minna Santalahti, Jukka Pumpanen, Kajar Köster, Frank Berninger, Tommaso Raffaellob Ari Jumpponen, Fred O. Asiegbu, Jussi Heinonsalo (2015) Fungal Community Shifts in Structure and Function across a Boreal Forest Fire Chronosequence. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

M. Linkosalmi, J. Pumpanen, C. Biasi, J. Heinonsalo, R. Laiho, A. Lindén, V. Palonen, T. Laurila, A. Lohila (2015) Studying the impact of living roots on the decomposition of soil organic matter in two different forestry-drained peatlands. Plant and Soil.

Jussi Heinonsalo, Eija Juurola, Aki Linden, Jukka Pumpanen (2015) Ectomycorrhizal fungi affect Scots pine photosynthesis throughnitrogen and water economy, not only through increased carbondemand.  Environmental and Experimental Botany

Kajar Köster, Frank Berninger, Jussi Heinonsalo, Aki Lindén, Egle Köster, Hannu Ilvesniemi and Jukka Pumpanen (2015) The long-term impact of low-intensity surface fires on litter decomposition and enzyme activities in boreal coniferous forests.  International Journal of Wildland Fire.