Supervision & Teaching


Don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested in doing a MSc or BSc thesis at the University of Helsinki in Space Physics, in particular working on waves in near-Earth space, the Sun-Earth connection, magnetic storms, and space weather.

Post-doctoral researchers

  • Hongyang Zhou (November 2020 – May 2023): development of time-varying inputs for the Vlasiator model and impact of solar wind fluctuations on near-Earth space
  • Kun Zhang (August 2020 – ): foreshock waves and instabilities in Vlasiator (remote collaboration with UCLA)

Doctoral researchers

  • Vertti Tarvus (started in September 2020): Transient structures and instabilities in the Earth’s foreshock and at the magnetopause (tentative title)
  • Jonas Suni (started in 2021): Magnetosheath jets

I have also participated in the supervision of the following doctoral researchers:

MSc theses

BSc theses

  • Mirja Ojuva (2024): Wave storms in near-Earth space
  • Julia Pukarinen (2022): Magnetic fluctuations in interplanetary coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions
  • Emilia Rintamäki (2022): Earth’s magnetopause location during
    extreme geomagnetic storms

Summer students

  • Dimitra Intzekara (August — November 2015): Mapping solar activity across the solar system [co-supervisor]
  • Vertti Tarvus (May — August 2018): Magnetosheath asymmetries in Vlasiator simulations [primary supervisor]


Autumn 2023, 2024

Lecturer in the Space Applications of Plasma Physics (PAP305)

Spring 2018, 2020 and 2022

Lecturer in the Advanced Plasma Physics course at the University of Helsinki, responsible for the lectures on plasma instabilities.

Autumn 2019

Guest lecturer in the Introduction to Plasma Physics course at the University of Helsinki, for two lectures on magnetohydrodynamics.


Teaching assistant at Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris, France).

I was responsible for the exercise sessions and participated in the elaboration of intermediate and final examination subjects

  • in Mathematics for 1st year Bachelor students, 2 semesters (2x50hours) in 2012 and 2013, groups of 35 students.
  • in Numerical Methods and Computer Science (in Unix, C and Fortran languages) for Master students, 1 semester (42 hours), group of 20 students.

I was also responsible for the laboratory work in an introduction to electronics for 3rd year Bachelor students, 2 semesters (2x20hours) in 2012 and 2013, groups of 8 students.