Karimies on light and darkness of faith

Ilmari Karimies gave a paper today in the monthly seminary of PMP reseach unit. His topic was: “Light of faith and the darkness of reason. Luther’s rejection of the natural light of reason in discerning moral principles.” Mr. Karimies is currently preparing a dissertation on Luther’s concept of faith in the Psalms commentaries.

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Short history of recent Finnish Luther studies

Petri Järveläinen has written a concise account of recent Finnish scholarship on Luther in his blog: http://petjar.blogspot.com/2008/05/martin-luther-in-contemporary-finnish.html.

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Future of Luther studies

Risto Saarinen arranged a workshop in Helsinki under the title “Future of Luther studies”, which aimed at identifying topics of current research that will continue to be relevant to Luther studies in the future. The contributions together with some additional articles on the topic have now been published in summer 2008 issue of Dialog. More information: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/toc/dial/47/2.

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Arffman on Lutheran poor relief

Kaarlo Arffman has published a study in Finnish on early Lutherans’ attempts to solve the problem concerning the poor relief. The book entitled “Auttamisen vallankumous. Luterilaisuuden yritys ratkaista köyhyyden aiheuttamat ongelmat” has been published by the Finnish Society of Church History and is available at bookstore Tiedekirja.

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Study Luther’s theology in Helsinki (spring 2009)

Lectures on Luther’s theology will give an overview of the Reformator’s theology. A special emphasis is laid on such topics as theology and philosophy, theology of love and doctrine of Trinity. Results of the recent Finnish scholarship on Luther’s theology are discussed in detail. The lectures will take place on Thursdays, from January 15th to April 16th 2009. Speakers include several young and advanced Finnish scholars specializing in Luther and Reformation theology: Jari Jolkkonen, Katja Juntunen, Ilmari Karimies, Jussi Koivisto, Kari Kopperi, Pekka Kärkkäinen, Jairinho Lopez-Pereira and Antti Raunio.The contents of the individual lectures:

  1. Luther’s Intellectual Background (Jussi Koivisto, Pekka Kärkkäinen)
  2. Luther’s Exegesis (Katja Juntunen)
  3. Trinity and Christology (Pekka Kärkkäinen)
  4. Word of God (Antti Raunio)
  5. Theology of the Cross (Kari Kopperi)
  6. Sin and Justification (Jairinho Lopez-Pereira, Olli-Pekka Vainio)
  7. Anthropology and Faith (Ilmari Karimies)
  8. Pastoral Care (Jussi Koivisto)
  9. Love and Spirituality (Jussi Koivisto & Ilmari Karimies)
  10. Church, Liturgy and Sacraments (Jari Jolkkonen)
  11. Social Ethics (Antti Raunio)

For more information about the lectures, please contact Pekka Kärkkäinen: http://www.helsinki.fi/teol/steol/pmp/members/karkkainen.htm.For information on studies in the Faculty of Theology in the University of Helsinki, please consult http://www.helsinki.fi/teol/english/studies.htm

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Vainio on Luther

Dr. Olli-Pekka Vainio has published a handy paperback on Luther’s theology in Finnish (Luther. Kristinuskon vaikuttajat. Helsinki: WSOY, 2008. 138 pp.). The book intends to serve as a popular but reliable introduction to some main themes in Luther’s theology. The author has utilized extensively the results of recent Finnish scholarship.

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Raunio on natural law and Christian love

Antti Raunio has published an article entitled “Natural Law and Christian Love in Luther’s Theology” –Lidenskab og stringens. Festskrift til Svend Andersen. Red. av Kees van Kooten og Ulrik Nissen. Forlaget Anis, København 2008, s. 249-261. ISBN 978-87-7457-443-9.

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Luther and the Sermon on the Mount

Doctoral dissertation in New Testament Studies on Luther’s interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount by Katja Juntunen, see http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-4549-3 for full text of the thesis.

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Luther and early Lutherans on justification

“Justification and Participation in Christ: The Development of the Lutheran Doctrine of Justification from Luther to the Formula of Concord (1580)” by Olli-Pekka Vainio. Published by Brill Academic Publishers.

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Luther on merciful Trinity

“Trinitarian Theology in the Medieval West” edited by Pekka Kärkkäinen from Luther-Agricola-Society. Includes a chapter on Luther, written by Risto Saarinen. Available at Tiedekirja webstore.

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