
MFG 4.0 is a three-year multidisciplinary research project funded by the Strategic Research Council (STN) to study and elucidate the future of the manufacturing industry from different angles. The focus of the project is on 3D printing and industrial automation, as well as understanding how automatic manufacturing of properly selected products could increase jobs and how the increased income due to automation could be used for supporting those people who will be out of jobs due to automation, thus preventing the division of society.

The Academy of Finland’s is an agency within the administrative branch of the Finnish Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Academy of Finland contribute to the renewal, diversification and increasing internationalisation of Finnish research. Manufacturing 4.0 Strategies for Social Policy Adoption was funded from the special call for research into COVID-19 by the Academy of Finland. This sub-project combines the focal points studied in WP 5 of MFG 4.0 with the new elements brought by the pandemic.


The Strategic Research Council (SRC) funds high-quality research that has great societal impact. The research should seek to find concrete solutions to grand challenges that require multidisciplinary approaches. An important element of such research is active collaboration between those who produce new knowledge and those who use it. Each year, the SRC prepares a proposal on key strategic research themes and priorities to be approved by the Finnish Government. The Government determines the research needs and decides the final themes, which the SRC then formulates into research programmes and funding calls.