“Eyes of the World” during the 16 years of the Aceh Tsunami

English version of the talk prepared for the event “Not Just Silence – Visiting Aceh Now for a Sustainable Recovery (16th Anniversary of the Aceh Tsunami)” on 26th December 2020 (check against delivery)

World’s eyes – what do we mean by it? Whose eyes are they; I am often left to wonder:

if their eyes were closed, if their eyes were wide open? did the world know you, your struggles, and your sorrows. did the world listen to you? or did they tell you the direction to take? not simply suggesting, but maybe also pushing, just a bit. did we respect your dreams or claim they were not mature enough? and who did we listen to, thinking that is the authentic voice that represents all, in your diversity?

Under the western eyes, as Chandra Mohanty wrote in the Eighties – is the process of the “eyes of the world ” or the eurocentric eye, which shapes the analysis of the realities of life around the world into a monolithic entity – without its own voice. Or actually, surely there is a voice, long enough since colonial times, for sure, but the world is too busy to notice. Or if it listens, it’s mostly as a result of of a crisis or a disaster. The problem is, one cannot always tell how these eyes interpret what they see, or moreover, what their actions become, based on what they see.

Disasters, we are told, are possibilities for transformative change. What we don’t know is whether these transformations were really based on the expressed needs, wants, or desires. Or perhaps, there may be some competitive forces aiming for transformation: aiming at making places, and people, change for the better: build back better.

What would happen, the poet asked,if women told the truth about their lives? The world would split open. (World’s Bell/Chakra Dunia from Debra H. Yatim’s English-language poem collection titled Of Aceh and Turning Tides: Songs for My Sisters, 2005: 29)


I believe, a short introduction is in order, which I have been, rightly so, asked many times over the past 16 years: why I am (still) involved in the reconstruction of Aceh, or researching the gendered impacts of the reconstruction that promises to ”build back better”?

Before the December 2004 tsunami, I was involved as a volunteer in the peace movement in Finland, mostly holding peace education workshops in schools, but the movement also acted in solidarity with Acehnese human rights defenders, organisers of events, keeping the topic of Aceh visible in the Finnish consciousness, during the early years of 2000’s

After the tsunami, I arrived in Aceh in 2006 for the first time, like so many foreigners did, as a humanitarian aid worker – working in an international NGO, but also engaging with the work of Gender Working Group (GWG) that had been established to coordinate efforts to “engender” tsunami recovery and reconstruction efforts amongst the international, national, and local organisations  – witnessing the difficulty for aid organisations to take clearly visible evidence of gender-based violence seriously.

From 2006 onwards my role has merely been as a researcher focusing on two longer research processes

  1. focusing on the Tsunami aid and the politics of the concept gender – what does it do/what the challenges were
  2. focusing on the urban lived experience of the peace amongst the residents at the margins who are aspiring to become part of the middle classes of the civilized city (kota Madani)

And finally, I have extended these research processes for a critical self-reflection in Finland: what does the claim of successful peace mediation in Aceh mean – or building a national brand for peace mediation – whose perspective the so-called success, is it?

In 2018, when documentary videos that were part of the urban ethnographic and life historical research in Banda Aceh were touring simultaneously in Aceh, and in Finland, I received a call from highest ranks of the peace mediator, questioning my critique of the success of the peace process. Asking questions about the research, it’s research methodology and data, and who in Aceh can confirm such results, suggesting also that such a display of research outcomes man hinder the sustainability of the peace itself!

This experience became a valuable added layer into the analysis of the power and hierarchy embedded in the knowledge claims made of the peace in Aceh. It also made me reflect upon the differences of spaces of deliberation of the challenges underlying in the peace process in Aceh and Finland. It seems that certain parties were narrating the results of the peace mediation, at the time, in such ways that it left very little space for alternatives. This made me, with my colleagues to reflect upon the continuum of global patriarchy embedded in the peace making and think what the consequences of that at the grassroots level – such as the streets of Banda Aceh, are.


The rest of my talk today consists of consists of three parts: firstly, observations made of the missed opportunities at the level of “eyes of the world” over these past 16 years as a peace activist, humanitarian aid worker, and a researcher, secondly, few words of the power and hierarchy of academic knowledge production in and on Aceh, and finally what lessons this offers for ways forward.

Missed opportunities by the “eyes of the world”

  1. Aid organisations created a separate spheres of post-conflict and post-disaster reconstruction (longer story why it happened, it was due to conflict dynamics/and armed conflict/reconstruction mandate) – it impacted the ways “solutions to women’s and men’s lives were imagined”
  2. Aid organisations that were not equipped to converse on religion and gender norms, decided to take a back seat
  3. Not many structures were sensitized to Acehnese history of women in politics, women as human rights defenders, or generally how Acehnese culture, history and Islam do not replicate Eurocentric notions of women that have to be saved
  4. This resulted either in a silence on gendered concerns, or wishing to “save the Muslim women” – and fuelling European growing islamophobia in the aftermath of 9/11
  5. Thus, both aid organisations and conservative local religious forces used Gender as a synonym for West – a tool to silence or ignore indigenous/local women’s movement
  6. within GWG – great strategies were shared what alternative Islamic concepts to use instead of gender: such considering holistic notions of justice and equality, including that of the environment
  7. Inequalities do not simply divide people according to their gender – closer understandings of reconstruction and its impacts on environment, but also how structures of inequalities are intersectional or multiple

Who emerges as expert on these matters?

For example, when the AMM experts were after their return from Aceh interviewed if they had considered gender in their work (as all EU civilian crisis management missions were mandated to do in the aftermath of the UNSCR1325, their response was no – due to notion of gender as a western concept. The sad part of this is, the response reflects the ignorance of the the decades long work done in the gender and women’s study centres in both Syiah Kuala and UIN Ar-Raniry on the matter, an active scholarship on the questions of Islam, gender, and women’s empowerment

After, or simultaneous to the formal tsunami aid, the past 16 years has seen a tsunami of predominantly non-Acehnese (foreign or Indonesian) researchers, who have in English made both their careers and claims of the knowledge production of gender politics in Aceh – those who were active in GWG, since the reconstruction years and “gender budgets” have had to find other means of sustaining their livelihoods

New generation, but also Acehnology . knowledge in and on Aceh,  has emerged: where Acehnese start producing knowledge on their own terms – a great result of the support given, as part of the official reconstruction efforts, to growing new generation of scholars and researchers who continue contributing to the Acehnese higher education, and grassroots activism, in Aceh.

Further: when research reaches artists, poets, or a younger generation with a pen and paper – new perspectives emerge that create new possibilities for inclusiveness and dialogue with the ordinary people (orang kecil), who live in the shadow of reconstruction, peacebuilding, or webinar experts like ourselves gathered on this occasion.

Thus, there resides the potential for the sphere of academia to come to terms with the demands to “decolonize academia” – decentre European theories or Eurocentric understandings of the world – or practice careful analysis, as Chandra Talpande Mohanty has suggested: recognise the structures of power that distance and differentiates those who know, and those of whom we are speaking about/or we are speaking for.

Finally, what the “eyes of the world” are to do then?

Firstly, I suggest, we need to multiply pluralist voices of women – women and their struggles and concerns are also not one – but depends on their experiences of reconstruction structures

Secondly, pay attention that certain groups of uneducated and older Acehnese, who are fully aware of the gendered realities around them, and the role they can play in striving towards justice and wellbeing for all. I offer just one example of this: during my research process, encounters with an elderly ex-combatant, and Sufi healer, whose family is struggling from structural poverty and neglect in peace reconstruction efforts, offered his insights using the term ilmu bodoh (foolish knowledge, translated into English in Jauhola 2020). Essentially, this ilmu bodoh is a critical analysis of post-conflict masculinities, extractivism masculinism and political economy – comparing it with the ideology that was drawing him to join the armed struggle in the 1970’s – and witnessing the peace surrounding him to be full of disappointments, new violent dynamics and extractivist agendas. This means grounding our research perspectives in such ways that both draw from, but also contribute towards such already existing scholarship and concepts that are meaningful locally – respecting oral histories and transmission of knowledge such as ilmu bodoh suggests

Thirdly, to understand the impact and strategy of the global anti-gender movement – which is also very strong in Europe including Finland, we need to build new solidarity movements – in this movement the experiences and strategies of Aceh and Indonesia can teach the rest of the world.


The new Open Access book “Scraps of Hope in Banda Aceh: Gendered Urban Politics in the Aceh Peace Process” and the 14 documentary videos are freely downloadable from the Helsinki University Press website


Toivon repaleet Tikkurilassa 14.-27.8.: Aceh calling – globaali punksolidaarisuus

(For English scroll down)

Maanantaina 14.8. alkaa kaksiviikkoinen työrupeamani Tikkurilan kirjaston musiikkiosastolla (1.krs, avoinna ma-pe 8-20, la-su 10-16). Yhteistyö Vantaan kirjaston musiikkiosaston ja Vantaan Muuntamon kanssa esittää Scraps of Hope/Toivon repaleet  -lyhytdokkareita jotka liittyvät kaupunkietnografiseen tutkimukseen Acehin rauhan 1.vuosikymmenestä Banda Acehin kaupungissa. Yhtensä 13 lyhytdokkaria pyörivät non-stoppina musiikkiosastolla kahden viikon ajan.

Tapahtumaan liittyy kaksi video-keskustelutilaisuutta, joista ensimmäinen ma 14.8. klo 18-20 keskittyen joulukuussa 2011 tehtyyn punkpidätykseen, sen jälkeiseen globaaliin punksolidaarisuuteen ja katupunkkareiden arkeen Banda Acehin kaupungissa.

Videokeskustelu (joka on samalla samalla banda acehilaista punk-skeneä ja konfliktinjälkeistä maskuliinisuutta käsittelevä kirjan luvun luonnos) etenee seuraavien acehilaisten punkbiisien johdattelemana: Illiza bastard, Our Wound (Luka kita), Prison of thoughts (penjara pemikiran), Cheap film (film murahan), Difference is not a war (pembedaan bukan perang), ja A.C.A.B.

Tervetuloa Tikkurilaan!

On Monday (14th August) starts my two weeks long worksession in Tikkurila. It is a collaboration with the city library and popup office of City of Vantaa, Muuntamo. Over the two weeks Scraps of Hope short documentaries, narrating stories from the first decade of peace in Aceh, Indonesia, are screened non-stop (music section, ground floor, open on weekdays 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 10am-4pm).

I organise two video-talks (14th/21st at 6pm) )at the library and one longer session on the overall book project at popup office Muuntamo (Sat 26th Aug 10am-2pm).

The first one on 14th at 6pm focuses on the punk arrest of December 2011, global punk solidarity in its aftermath and everyday lives of the Tsunami Museum street punk community. Video talk unfolds in the order of the punk songs:

Illiza bastard, Our Wound (Luka kita), Prison of thoughts (penjara pemikiran), Cheap film (film murahan), Difference is not a war (pembedaan bukan perang), ja A.C.A.B.

Join me in Tikkurila!

Etnografisesta kaupunkitutkimuksesta etnografisesti Tikkurilassa

Tässä ensimmäinen postaus Tikkurilasta, jossa työskentelen seuraavat viikot (14.-27.8.) yhteistyössä Tikkurilan kirjaston musiikki-osaston ja Vantaan Muuntamon kanssa. 

Näillä kaupunkitilaan sijoitetuilla työpäivillä on tarkoitus tuoda etnografista, ja feminististä, politiikantutkimusta lähemmäs elettyä ja koettua arkea. Työskentelytapa sopii minulle, sillä olenhan samaan tapaan tehnyt töitä Banda Acehin kaupungissa viimeisten 11 vuoden ajan tutkiessani Suomessa tutuksi tulleen Acehin rauhansopimuksen elettyä ja koettua arkea. Kaupunkitilassa työskentely, hengailu, keskustelu ja kirjoittaminen ovat olleet osa tutkijanarkea.

Aikataulutettuja tapahtumia on seuraavasti:

Lyhytdokumenttielokuvia (yht. kesto 94 min) 14.-27. elokuuta
Tikkurilan kirjaston aukioloaikoina, musiikkiosasto (1.krs)

Ma 14.8. klo 18-20
Aceh calling – globaali punksolidaarisuus

Ma 21.8. klo 18-20
Kenen rauha? Aktivisti Zubaidah Djoharin runoja Acehin rauhasta

La 26. elokuuta klo 10-16
Elävä kirja: tapaa tutkija työssään
Muuntamo, Tikkurilan tori, Asematie 3b
Esitykset ja keskustelu: 10-12, 12-14, 14-16

Lisätietoa lyhytdokumenteista ja etnografisesta kaupunkitutkimuksesta

What are we mainstreaming when we mainstream gender?

Gender mainstreaming has become one of the most important policy tools for promoting gender equality and women’s rights globally. Even Security Council, in its resolutions to promote gender equality and women’s rights in peacebuilding, calls for action through gender mainstreaming (UNSCR 1325, 1888, 1889, 1960, 2106, 2122, 2422). Resolutions also specifically request gender expertise, gender analysis, and gender-sensitive training to ensure capabilities for implementing gender mainstreaming.

Since the formal acknowledgement of gender mainstreaming principle in 1995 at the Fourth UN World Conference on Women in Beijing,  I’ve had number of roles as a) an advocate for the integration of gender equality policies in Finnish development cooperation and overall Finnish government policies b) gender trainer in European civilian and military crisis management operation and UN military observer pre-departure trainings, c) evaluator of the effectiveness of the gender mainstreaming programme in post-conflict statebuilding context of Bosnia-Herzegovina; and d) gender advisor of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

During those years, however, I was getting more and more troubled that concepts such as ‘gender mainstreaming’ or ‘gender equality’, or ‘women’s empowerment’ are political concepts: they carry meanings that are results of negotiation processes, although when turned into policy advocacy or tools, they often appear as neutral and natural.

From 2005 onwards, when I began my PhD studies, instead of asking how well gender mainstreaming is implemented, I became more interested in understanding what gender mainstreaming does. Thus, rather than seeing gender mainstreaming as something that has been already been set in stone, i.e. we always already know what it is, my research aimed at arguing, illustrating with the examples from Aceh, Indonesia, that it is an active process of negotiating norms: gender norms, but also importantly other norms, such as nationalism, religious identity, class, socio-economic status, sexuality and so on.

Here are the slides of a lecture I gave on gender mainstreaming on 28 September 2016 at the Gender, Conflicts and Security in a Globalised World course organised by Valpuri, Faculty of Social Sciences Gender Studies Teaching Basket at the University of Helsinki.


My 2010 PhD thesis (International Politics, University of Aberystwyth, Wales) ‘Becoming Better ‘Men’ and ‘Women’: Negotiating Normativity through Gender Mainstreaming in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction initiatives in Aceh, Indonesia was funded by European Community Marie Curie Host Fellowship for Early Stage Researchers Training, 2006-2009 and Academy of Finland funded project ‘Gendered Agency in Conflict: Gender Sensitive Approach to Development and Conflict Management Practices’, 2007-2010.

An edited version was published in 2013 by Routledge as Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Indonesia: Negotiating Normativity through Gender Mainstreaming Initiatives in Aceh.

Scraps of Hope videos & talks @Porthania, University of Helsinki

Scraps of Hope video screening, meet & greet talks
5-19 September
Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki

Video screenings daily at 11.45am, Unicafe video screen plus Mondays & Fridays Lehtisali (2nd floor)

Meet & greet talks on Mondays and Fridays at 12.30-13.30 Lehtisali (2nd floor)
Meet and greet programme:
Mon 5 Sept
10 Years of Gender and EU Civilian Crisis Management Missions: From Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) onwards

Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) was among the first EU civilian crisis management missions. Through it the EU and five ASEAN Member States monitored the peace settlement between the Indonesian government and Free Aceh Movement in 2005-2006. How did AMM incorporate gender concerns of armed conflict and peace agreements, mandated by the UN Security Council resolution 1325? How has the EU crisis management instrument evolved since the AMM? What has that meant for gender equality and justice concerns?

Docent, Academy of Finland Research Fellow Marjaana Jauhola talks with Dr. Leena Avonius, Researcher, Crisis Management Center Finland, former AMM Reintegration Co-ordinator (2005-6)
Fri 9 Sept
The use and abuse of history: Post-authoritarianism, Regime Change and Democratization in Indonesia

Following the exit of President Suharto in 1999, Indonesia has gone through a series of democratizing measures such as decentralisation, freedom of press, political parties, amendments to constitution and new state institutions. What role have these played in the settlement of armed conflict in Aceh, and what are its consequences for gender equality concerns? How has Indonesia come to terms with its violent history and atrocities of its citizens during the massacre of 1965-66 targeting members and suspects of affiliates of Indonesian Communist Party? The Aceh peace process included provisions for human rights court and truth reconciliation process. Is there scope for justice in Aceh peace process?

Docent, Academy of Finland Research Fellow Marjaana Jauhola talks with Dr. Ratih Dwiyani Adiputri, University of Jyväskylä a former legislative expert in the Indonesian parliament (2000-9) and advisor of USAID parliamentary project in Aceh (2006-7).
Mon 12 Sept
Complex emergencies and humanitarian assistance: what has gender got to do with it?

Every year, conflicts and natural disasters cause suffering for millions of people – usually for the poorest, marginalized and vulnerable populations. Humanitarian assistance aims to provide life-saving assistance, reduce human suffering and maintain dignity during and aftermath of crises. How well do these efforts address gendered vulnerabilities and capabilities? What would gender mainstreaming of humanitarian assistance look alike?

Docent, Academy of Finland Research Fellow Marjaana Jauhola talks with Satu Lassila, Senior Adviser for Humanitarian Assistance and Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, former World Food Programme (WFP) Gender Adviser & Programme Adviser 1999-2004, Emergency Officer and Head of Sub-Office of WFP tsunami operation, in Aceh 2005 and Senior Adviser for Assistant-Executive Director of UN Women (HQ) 2014-15.
Fri 16 Sept
Videos on Book (VoB) – new format for media enriched e-publishing

Scraps of Hope, with the support from Finnish Cultural Foundation, has developed devise responsive hybrid/media enriched electronic publishing platform Videos on Book (VoB) – one of its first kinds in Finland (http://vob.fi/, soon available in English!).

The first demo version was released in 2015 of Marjaana Jauhola’s peer-reviewed article ‘Scraps of Home’ and the first book ‘Five women, hundred lives’ – focusing on the lived experiences of dissociation – in June 2016.

Digital designer Seija Hirstiö will introduce the VoB platform and tell how the book ’Five women, hundred lives’ came about (dissociation.fi).
Mon 19 Sept
Visual ethnography – collaboration with an ethnographer and digital designer

How to turn ethnographic life history method into documentary films or short videos? How to tackle ethical considerations of documenting lives of non-elites in a complex post-conflict context? Docent, Academy of Finland Research Fellow Marjaana Jauhola and digital designer Seija Hirstiö reflect upon their experience in shooting the Scraps of Hope videos in Indonesia in December 2015.
For more information:
Facebook: Scraps of Hope
Marjaana Jauhola, (marjaana.jauhola(at)helsinki.fi, 02941-24228)

On tsunami time

26th December 2014 8.46 am, El Hierro

The past nine years I have spoken with survivors. For most of them the tsunami was not a singular event, but in fact it violently pushed them into a totally different temporality: tsunami time.

Ten years after the Indian Ocean tsunami and the earthquake many wish to know if things got better. Since my first visit to Aceh in 2006 I’ve refused to give any simple answers to that. I’ve used the past nine years to question the simplistic ideas of reconstruction, or building back better, as the post-tsunami aid efforts became to known.

The question of better haunts the aid workers, it haunts the funders, it haunts the media, and researchers like myself. But in many ways it also haunts the survivors.

In Aceh, after the tsunami it was commonly explained that the tsunami happened due to the sins committed by the people. Only one week ago the female mayor of Banda Aceh suggested so. Her administration has used the past years to strengthen the punishments of those who do not live up to the expections of piousness and civil city (kota madani). Building Banda Aceh anew has been an active attempt to ‘build back better’ build an Islamic city comparable with that city it was believed to be in the golden years of Sultanate of Aceh, or Medina. History been reinvented and romaticized, used for justifying the emergence of post-tsunami politics that is yet to solve the bigger questions of justice, equality and prosperity for all.

With the focus on Islamic morals and piety, the city focuses on apperances and controlling religious behvior instead of drawing on other principles that would provide governance alternatives, such as equality for all, forgiveness and healing. Healing from the losses of the tsunami, 30 years of armed conflict and other silent atrocities that are not given names nor turned into media headlines.

My ethnographic research in the city of Banda Aceh speaks of the lives lived in the margins of the city, ways in which people live through their everydays in best possible ways despite their chronic poverty, feelings of outcast, or multiple ways they are being discriminated against due to their gender, sexuality, religious belief, ethnicity, ideology or appearance.

They actively engage in providing alternative visions for Aceh. These visions do not emerge from the halls of power, academic seminar halls or media outlets. They are echoed in places where the dust, dirt and filth gathers. They enact as reminders and mirrors of failures of humanity. Humanity that is celebrated today on the tenth anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquakes.