Oral presentation guidelines

Oral presentation guidelines

Each speaker is given 20 minutes including question time. The presentation in itself must not exceed 15 minutes, allowing time for questions.

The session chair will signal to the presenter when they have 3- and 1-minute left.

Presenters are also asked to come 15 minutes before the beginning of their session to meet the chair and check that their presentation is working.

The presentation must be sent by email to this address mbdp-office@helsinki.fi before May 9th. Please use “MicrobiologyDay24_Talk” as the object of the mail and name your presentation: “Lastname_Firstname.pdf” or “Lastname_Firstname.ppt”

The presentation will be displayed from the auditorium computer that supports PDF and PowerPoint presentations. 16:9 landscape is the optimal presentation format. Video and sound files are supported in the room and can be displayed, you can include them in your presentation or enclosed them in the email with your presentation if they cannot be included in the presentation.

If your material is too heavy to be attached in an email, provide us the link to the sharing system hosting the files (eg. Funet FileSender; https://helpdesk.it.helsinki.fi/en/instructions/saving-and-sharing/funet-filesender/funet-filesender).

You will be in charge of controlling the advance of your presentation and of the changes of support if you have files outside of your presentation, so please come before your session to check that everything works fine.

Please upload this logo on the slides when you don’t want their content to be shared or taken in picture.

Please come also with your presentation and any relevant file on a USB drive or with another backup in case the one you sent is not working.

When making your presentation, please keep in mind that some people are affected by color blindness and that you can easily make color-blind friendly presentations.

Here are some resources to help you do so:


