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Microbiology Day 2024
Microbiology Day 2024

Microbiology day 2024 was a success. We had 70 people registered for the day. Our three amazing keynote speakers and doctoral researchers gave inspiring and fascinating talks. In total, we had 15 talks, 5 poster pitches and 10 posters at the event.

We want to thank all our presenters and participants for creating an awesome event for all microbiologists.

Congratulations to our winners:

Best talk: Marianne Lalli

Best poster: Aditya Thiruvaiyaru

Two keynote speakers confirmed

Dear everyone

We are excited to announce already two of our keynote speakers:

Yvonne Nygård works as Research Professor at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and as Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. Yvonne is interested in developing microbial cell factories for industrial applications. She works with different yeast and fungi and in her research she combines synthetic biology with high throughput screening. In addition, she is affiliated to a fungal start-up, Cirkulär AB which develops filamentous fungi for valorization of side-stream biomass.

Tommi Vatanen is the Associate Professor and group leader of Computational microbial ecology / Vatanen lab. Tommi and his group focusing on developing computational models, machine learning and bioinformatics to understand the dynamics of human microbial communities, especially the gut microbiomes. Further more, Tommi and his group is interested in understanding how microbial communities affect the human development, health and wellbeing.

We hope that you are as excited as we are on our amazing keynote speakers! See you on 16 May 2024!

Save the date 16 May 2024!

Dear everyone,

Please save the date for the next Microbiology Day of the MBDP Doctoral Programme, which will be held on 16 May 2024

The Microbiology Day is a high-profile seminar for doctoral researchers to present their work, with peers and external evaluators giving valuable feedback on both the scientific content and presentational skills of the speaker.

The event will be organised at the Viikki campus in Infocentre building. We would like to invite all doctoral researchers in microbiology and biotechnology to give a talk at the symposium. Three international keynote speakers (TBA) will start each of the sessions of the day and they will also provide feedback on doctoral researcher presentations and will act as judges for the best talk and poster prize. We also invite interested senior researchers and undergraduates to attend the presentations.

Registration for talks will open in March.


Registration is now closed

Registration is now closed

During our registration period, we received 90 participants. We are very excited that the day has intrigued so many of you. We are now evaluating the abstracts and finalizing the program, so stay tuned for the final program.

The presenters will be contacted during this week, by Friday 21 April the latest.

Keynote speakers

Dear everyone

We are excited to announce our three keynote speakers:

Alexander Tveit from UiT, The Arctic University of Norway. Alexander Tveit works as the Leader of CECO (Cells in the Cold) laboratory. His current research is focused on how micro-organisms play an important role in global carbon cycling.

Marja Roslund from LUKE (Natural Resources Institute Finland). Marja Roslund currently works on BIWE: biodiversity interventions for well-being project. Her research tries to find out the connections between human health and nature, especially biodiversity loss and urbanization.

Juha Saarikangas from the University of Helsinki. Juha Saarikangas works as the Associate Professor at the Helsinki Institute of Life Sciences, HiLIFE and leads the research group Cellular Individuality. His research focuses on how dynamic alterations in protein folding and assembly states regulate the phenotypic plasticity of cells and organisms.

We hope that you are as excited as we are on our amazing keynote speakers! See you on 11 May 2023!

Save the date!

Dear everyone,

Please save the date for the first Microbiology Day of the MBDP Doctoral Programme, which will be held on 11 May 2023

The Microbiology Day is a high-profile seminar for doctoral researchers to present their work, with peers and external evaluators giving valuable feedback on both the scientific content and presentational skills of the speaker.

The event will be organised at the Viikki campus in Infocentre building. We would like to invite all doctoral researchers in microbiology and biotechnology to give a talk at the symposium. Three international keynote speakers (TBA) will start each of the sessions of the day and they will also provide feedback on doctoral researcher presentations and will act as judges for the best talk prize. We also invite interested senior researchers and undergraduates to attend the presentations.

Registration for talks will open on 27 March.