Save the date 16 May 2024!

Dear everyone,

Please save the date for the next Microbiology Day of the MBDP Doctoral Programme, which will be held on 16 May 2024

The Microbiology Day is a high-profile seminar for doctoral researchers to present their work, with peers and external evaluators giving valuable feedback on both the scientific content and presentational skills of the speaker.

The event will be organised at the Viikki campus in Infocentre building. We would like to invite all doctoral researchers in microbiology and biotechnology to give a talk at the symposium. Three international keynote speakers (TBA) will start each of the sessions of the day and they will also provide feedback on doctoral researcher presentations and will act as judges for the best talk and poster prize. We also invite interested senior researchers and undergraduates to attend the presentations.

Registration for talks will open in March.